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Everything posted by tle

  1. That was much better. She's getting more comfortable with the cameras...
  2. Maybe they could get Gina's fish tank to help liven the apartment up some.
  3. Maksim couldn't get lucky with Holly but I bet he could with Masha... But she'd kill him in bed...
  4. It look kinda like it. An exchange of some sort.
  5. It looks like the stud is getting ready to leave.. This will be an experience they both remember for a long time.
  6. RLC needs to hire this guy. He can take care of all the girls...
  7. The cleaning lady has lost some weight. Maybe they can move Karol and her BF over to B5 and hire the cleaning lady to takes Karols room in B1... RLC could save some money having her as a tenant and cleaning lady at the same time....
  8. I don't know what this guys been taking but I need some....
  9. Can you please break the fish tank too while you're there?
  10. You probably just need to carry them a new TV with you when you go.. But that TV on the fritz has gotten Alberto in the bed with Martina a bit more so maybe just leave the living room TV broke...
  11. Anybody got the number for a good TV repairman in Barcelona?
  12. She's feeling good today. She could use a vacation in Barcelona to go out on the town dancing with the girls.
  13. I'd put her way above average. Anyway, Alberto is a fool to sleep on the sofa with that beauty alone in his bed....
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