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Posts posted by rlm

  1. If you can afford it I think its great. You can check the days activities rather quickly without having to stare at your screen all day. Its not perfect (moving around time graphic timeline is a bit difficult) but overall you save a lot of time and miss nothing. My only real problem is the cost.

  2. Not clicking on this apartment is very good advice and the best way for paying members to put an end to this misadventure. And now I have some advice for RLC. Turn the cameras round and point them out the windows because whatever is happening on the streets below has to be more interesting than what is happening in this apartment.

  3.     I see these posts from time to time about how RLC is going downhill. I have been a subscriber (on and off) since August 2012 when there were four apartments, the cameras were low res, and the night vision was terrible. The quality of RLC ebbs and flows, and now is a bit of a down time but believe me the trend line is up.

        Over the years, about a third of the couples have been interesting and some have been terrific. The camera quality is great and the apartments keep getting better. They have tried some innovations such as an apartment with three beautiful girls, Lesbians, a black woman, and couples from really different cultures. I smile when people criticize Nora's apartment. It must be difficult for them to watch an assortment of beautiful young women take showers. RLC has responded, in small ways, to what this forum has asked.

        Its not all great. They have made some huge mistakes in choosing tenants-Ruslyn, Yarik, Igor, yevgeny, you get the idea. My biggest complaint is the video lags and freezes, and it was a shame to see Alina and Anton go for they were the heart of RLC. But if you look at old video vs the present, the improvement is dramatic. The real problem is the we are becoming used to the novelty and that is why it seems less exciting.

  4. They are most definitely not public figures. We do not know their real names or anything about them. They get to keep their public anonymity in exchange for allowing to see their private lives. We see the part of life that is invisible with anyone else and that is what is (sometimes) interesting. Exposing their identities upsets this balance and they often leave, and this benefits absolutely no one.

  5. I find the whole thing interesting. How people in other countries live. What their apartments look like, what they eat, how they dress, how much they drink, what kind of friends they have, and how tied they are to he internet. I thought it was amazing to watch a massive thunder storm roll through Barcelona at 4:00AM and how early darkness comes in St. Petersburg. I was surprised by the way that some people on Camcaps deduced the locations of the cities with very little to go on, and appalled when sought to divulge the tenants true identities.  I don't have much interest in knife wielding females or some of the emotional shootouts we have all witnessed, but yes, I do find the sexual practices of young couples interesting.

  6. I am constantly surprised by people without subscriptions saying how boring RLC is when they can't see most of the rooms. I have been a subscriber for the better part of two years and this is about as good as it has been. Not perfect of course but more apartments, more HD cameras, and more interesting couples than in the past. If you are waiting for supermodels to appear you will surely be disappointed.

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