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Everything posted by costa049

  1. Masha turns off the lights, gives her a hug and a kiss
  2. The girl sighing "fuck off" while walking in circles
  3. He's actually right somehow. You have to have covid in order to transmit it. But the problem is that you can also be asympomatic
  4. And the other girl comes from the room to comfort her
  5. That guy in shorts is doing nothing there honestly
  6. Seems more she will end up alone on the couch
  7. The other guy on the couch like, "what am I doing here?"
  8. Masha saying to one of the guys that her friend wants him to stay with them
  9. All I know is it envolved music since Masha lowered the music
  10. Masha laughing a bit with her after some comfortation
  11. Because Masha is nice and she invites them and let's them stay at ease. And then they abuse
  12. The problem is that Masha is very nice, too nice sometimes, and sometimes they abuse of her niceness
  13. She just can't behave. She seems like Claire sometimes...
  14. Masha's friend in tears. Masha even comforts her
  15. True, too easy sometimes I'd say. And today they are testing her niceness
  16. She was in bed and her friend entered the room making her get up a little riled up
  17. Masha and her friend arguing, Masha lowered the music
  18. I asked since I see a lot of movement/ music/ food and drinks. I thought they were planning a party or so
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