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Everything posted by costa049

  1. Also interesting, Claire never took off a piece of clothing
  2. This night is going crazy. Pleople coming and people leaving
  3. Hope Claire doesn't get too clingy and the environment doesn't get embarrassing
  4. But the million dollar question, are they satying?
  5. Don't exactly remember. But more or less when she was toasting those little pieces of bread or croissant or whatever that is, and when Carlos was taking the second pizza out of the oven and givng it the finishing touches. A little bit before she went to the room to change
  6. Btw, I heard Carlos giving some advice to Amalia in the kitchen. He was telling her that she is very young and still has a lot to live, and that she shouldn't care too much for what some people say. Who has replay can go check
  7. The oven was off all this time and the pizza didn't cook 😂
  8. They will let the pizza burn. Unless the oven is off
  9. Can someone situate me about what's going on with Claire and Amalia?
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