Pffffft, "atomic bomb" with a fuse too wet. Filling up a whole tub and wasting half a bottle of soap just to have a quick bate-- a big lol. She's officially of no further interest. She can stuff that bottle up her arse and still wouldn't raise herself in my eyes. A horny cunt is all she'll ever be. Plus I hate her "horse" voice and laugh. Now Monica is all around sexy. I'd rather watch her dancing any day.
spoken as only a true gay man would say "horny cunt" not cool
you have inspired me to write a new screenplay
Working Title "Life as a Gay online Troll"
Snarky: a slightly overweight but handsome dark haired man. He very close to his mom. Lives close too (basement).
Buster : Snarky's best friend since grade school. Also very good looking but shy. He looks up to snarky because he's very intelligent.
Scene 1
SNARKY: [said with a slight but noticeable lisp]
"Look at this cunt filling up a whole tub and wasting half a bottle of soap"
BUSTER: [said very interestedly] "Why is she doing that Snarksies"
SNARKY "I don't Know but whatever she's doing it's making me sick Look!!!"
BUSTER: [Takes a look and gags] "You are soooo right!!!!!"
SNARKY: "She's officially of no further interest"
BUSTER: "Im with you"
SNARKY "She can stuff that bottle up her arse and still wouldn't raise herself in my eyes."
BUSTER: "I agree with you again Snarkies"
SNARKY "A horny cunt is all she'll ever be."
BUSTER: "Yeah she's a real B-I-T-C-H"
SNARKY: "Plus I hate her "horse" voice and laugh."
BUSTER: "That's so funny. So do I !!!!"
SNARKY: "Now Monica (a slightly mannish looking woman) is all around sexy. I'd rather watch her dancing or...... talking on the phone or....... laying in bed or taking some more on the phone or setting up a firewall of soap bottles so no one can see her in tub naked."
BUSTER: "I just love it when she talks on the phone"
End Scene
Stephen Spielberg better watch out, there's a new man in town! 8)
Glad to see you have a sense on humor my friend. all in good fun
its like telling yo mama jokes when you were a kid. Im sure Buster told a few but when some told him one about is momma he beat the crap out of them.