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Everything posted by corvette08

  1. I just watched her and Anya on replay. Very good start from her on this tour.πŸ‘
  2. I don't know why she has to have the blanket on one leg. It's fucking weird.
  3. Trinity doing her do nothing weird shit. Can this girl just leave. πŸ‘Ž
  4. So is Polya pregnant or just fat? πŸ€”
  5. I see that Mathilda's bate is top cam instead of this fake lesbian bullshit. πŸ˜„
  6. It's funny that a girl not even on RLC payroll always gets top cam. Fuck Esmi and her painting bullshit. 🀣
  7. I've only seen her visiting in B5. Does she do anything or a do nothing like Trinity in B4?
  8. This switching places is ridiculous. πŸ™„
  9. After 2 and a half weeks Lavika finally decided to bate. I'm probably the only one that noticed that. 😁
  10. I was talking about the lips under her nose. They are all blown up. πŸ˜•
  11. Looks good.....except for the inflated lips. I don't know why these girls think it looks good.
  12. Good to see Anya finally figured out what RLC is all about....nice bate. πŸ‘
  13. Yes, also we know the 2 in B7 and the sisters need to go.
  14. I think something changed with Lavika. She hasn't done a bate since October 4th. πŸ€”
  15. I figured if I said something she would prove me wrong.😁
  16. Like always Anya is top cam giving everyone a big fuck you.πŸ™„
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