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Everything posted by corvette08

  1. Esmi should stop the weird nonsense and just bate.πŸ™„
  2. I was being sarcastic because it's not her brother.
  3. I don't watch any of their fucking with these random guys. It's all about the bating for me.
  4. They are all sleeping over there now. They will see our shit later.
  5. I didn't think anyone was worse than me. Wait until moose54 and ddhm see this, they will be all over you.πŸ˜„
  6. Ya, I do this with my sister all the time. πŸ˜„
  7. Not just tonight. She's fucking someone all the time off camera. I wonder if she requested RLC to not show her daytime bate on replay. I never liked her since she arrived.
  8. I agree with some of this. I only have a visa debit card to pay for everything I buy. I'm not doing that foolish new other choice that is a bunch of bullshit that wants all your info.
  9. I can't wait to see Lavika fuck her brother. 😁
  10. Too many people on here think guests are related to tenants. I just sit back and laugh at these idiots. πŸ˜„
  11. I am me, I have no filter and say whatever comes to my mind. If you don't like it, block me. Some of these girls don't belong on RLC, and Trinity is one of them. You seem to be entertained by the bullshit these girls do. I named 3 that get it and provide content for me. Camcaps won't even let me renew because they don't take visa anymore, so they can fuck off too.
  12. Not true. There are many girls I am happy with. Current ones include Lavika, Marlene and Mathilda.
  13. Don's girl is so hot. She's not even being paid by RLC and she does it all. πŸ‘
  14. These 2 are a fucking joke. Lavika is the only one worth watching in B2.
  15. So she finally bates in the daylight but it's not on replay. What kind of bullshit is that? 😑
  16. She's a do nothing to me. No bating on her bed since she arrived. πŸ‘Ž
  17. Where I live they call that blowing balloons up or blowing up balloons. 😏
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