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Everything posted by corvette08

  1. Harley you are so funny.....goodnight. 😁
  2. You are right, I'm not crazy about those kind of bates. Believe it or not Mathilda is my favorite right now. 😁
  3. She is fucking weird. Tim went to eat her and she said no. Maybe she stinks down there. πŸ˜‚
  4. Both of these girls are nothing but teasers and don't do shit. πŸ™
  5. Where are you seeing this? I See her doing nothing in her own bed as usual. πŸ™„
  6. Both of these girls are a fucking joke. They will do nothing on camera while they are here. πŸ˜‚
  7. She did one at 11:36, before that one.πŸ˜‰
  8. I could correct you on many words, but I don't bother. πŸ˜‰
  9. Geek sleeping with his glasses on. I guess he wants to have better vision in his dreams. 😏
  10. I see the fucking geek is back. At least we got to see most of his girlfriend. πŸ™„
  11. Is Monica on RLC now? I didn't even notice. 😏
  12. She was in B1 for a short time. October 2019 and she did 6 bates before she left without warning.
  13. I didn't mean that last night was her first time. I was talking about that she is finally doing something after all the time she didn't do jack shit.
  14. Good stuff....Be glad she finally did something. πŸ˜‰
  15. I would have thought her sister would be doing this before her. Zaba is just a fucking do nothing. I don't want to hear the bullshit about Zaba's fucking at the beginning. 😁
  16. The last time I checked people bate to have an orgasm. She did a short bate and had an orgasm. Why should she go longer, to please you? If you want to see dragged out fake bates with fake orgasms go watch your fucking chaturbate.πŸ™„
  17. Johnny, always good replays from you.....awesome.
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