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Posts posted by backrat

  1. I must say, I surly can see the attraction between these two girls. As I look back on their 3 times that I have, and there is probably more, many more that I don't have. These girls have passion. pure unadulterated passion. Alberto had none, and still don't. So consequently, with him, Martina had little. But when she hoked up with Nelly???? things rocked. if you didn't see them, or don't have them. Find them, they're out there, and they are a genuine delight to watch.

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  2. 24 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

    Not sure I agree with everything in this detailed post … but it’s possible I suppose she is hanging around to milk whatever cash she is entitled to from RLC.  She’s never come across as vindictive like this but a breakup can cause some extreme behaviors.  Of course this is just a speculation.

    Another reason she is dragging this out may have something to do with Taco.   

    It's sad in a way, that Martina has become the distraction, where she once was the star. As for whatever taco brings to the party. She might feel he needs her. But in watching his actions he goes with whoever pets him at that time. I have been watching Martina since the split. Other than the fat boy, she has brought nothing to the table, regarding her life outside RLC. And certainly nothing to do with Nelly. Nelly is happily banging Bogdan regularly. Nor has she attended any others party's. She has made herself the outcast and time will hopefully be kind to her. I find her with classic good looks and love that bubble butt. Glad I saved some vids of her before she went cold.

  3. I do so enjoy fresh new love. even if it's just infatuation. I find her refreshing to the apartment. Lets face it she is keeping Alberto's pipes clean like they haven't been in quite awhile. Martina seemed to crawl into her shell around the time RLC came up with recording on demand. other than showering there has been nothing. the occasional escapade between her and Al was hidden. she certainly hasn't brought any viable partner to the show regardless if male or female.


    • Confused 1
  4. 29 minutes ago, Moosecini said:

    Each to his own my friend.  Swallowing may be the end-all-be-all for you, but the overall appearance is a majority rule for me.  Only thing I would have to get around is her smoking... that's nasty shit, beyond the fact that I'm allergic to nicotine, but I'd OD on antihistamines and have an epi-pen handy for a go with her!

    Martina smokes, Alberto smokes, Juliet smokes, everybody smokes yet here you are watching with the rest of us. thankfully they don't smoke inside.

    • Confused 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

    Yes of course but he wouldn't be a douchebag if all he said was "the nightvision is there so yes the people can still see but it isn't as clear or easy to see details, etc.".   This is a true statement.  I think everyone here would vote to watch with lights on instead of nightvision.    She might interpret this as being a sufficient amount of "safety" but unless she has seen it firsthand she could be deceived a bit.  Again, I don't think Alberto purposely tried to deceive her.

    Yes this seems right to me.  We still don't know if she understands what CAN be seen in night vision and whether she is acceptable to that.

    No, I think she knows exactly what's going on. And She accepts it willing. it may be a woman thing, ware she is toying with Martina of sorts. look I'm in your bed, your shower, bathroom , living room couch ,etc, etc. The nice thing, going back before Blackie died and the beat up burgundy sectional was replaced. We have the internet to remind us how hot Martina and him were. Though, to me, he always seemed to be a bit of a inferior lover. Martina on the other hand ,was spot on hot. and we can see how this degradation of emotion came about.  Nelly was quite the view when it came to Martina.

  6. 7 hours ago, darkman said:

    yo lo veo de esta manera , una pareja que ya no pierde nada mostrándose en su vida privada públicamente , no van a dejar escapara a la gallina de los huevos de oro , piso gratis , sueldo extra cada mes , Martina solamente con su sueldo no puede vivir sola , ni Alberto tampoco con un sueldo de jardinero ,  van a seguir igual que el resto de parejas y solteros de rlfc , como lo que es , un trabajo , Alberto con su amiga tiene el añadido que el tema este de las cámaras , a las mujeres les pone ,  y mas a una niñata , es mas yo diría que a las mujeres les pone todo lo raro , lo diferente , lo arriesgado , y la amiga de Alberto no es una excepción , caso diferente es gf4 , seguramente tenga una vida normal , y no le hace falta mostrarse en cámara , pero sigue siendo una mujer , y como tal le atrae la idea de estar con alguien que hace cosas raras , tanto la de Alberto como gf4 , son relaciones puente , o liana , no van a llegar a nada con ellas , de momento creo que aun veremos algún que otro revolcón de Alberto y Martina  de vez en cuando . todo sea por la audiencia .

    that may be so, but even Taco, knows something is up. I think this drama will linger for a spell, until one-day. It will just blow up. and not to the benefit of the subscribers. Who should be the beneficiaries of everything, since we are paying for the content, this will not end well at all.

  7. On 9/26/2023 at 3:59 PM, Adalbert said:

    😄Come on, you don't believe that yourself...😄

    plainly or clearly these two are not clicking, but she hangs around even with his new girlfriend.. she is not happy, at all, but puts on a good face. no; I don't think she gets it anyplace else. oh, what am I saying, of course she is a slut,,a whore to the max. why else would anybody want to be recorded taking his dick.

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  8. 8 minutes ago, Alladino said:

    That is even a more positive reaction than I suspected. I thought that she would be happy for him, but it is nice to really see the response. 

    Thanks for the info.

    33 minutes ago, Noldus said:

    HJ now

    I don't know where they disappear to but they sure can disappear.

    • Confused 1
  9. this is a bit unrelated, but who, or better yet. What is the name of the thin girl with the cropped bob haircut sitting on the swing all day, over at Nelly and Bogdan's BBQ. She comes around so infrequently, but is a dreamboat. they could chase M&A out and put her in, and get back on sound financial foundation for the apartment.


  10. On 8/20/2023 at 2:46 PM, Brokk! said:

    Well, at least we know what a shitty human being Martina is. I begin to feel sorry for Alberto.

    Martina is doing what women have done for centuries. being a woman. "Oh come here, come here, come here; get away, get away, get away”. as they use sex to their partner for both punishment and reward.

    the New year party was great not so much with her birthday. Nelly is old news and has not been in the pitcher for some 2 years.

     I do not know nor am I good at cybernetics to figure what is going on. i do remember that even last year all Alberto had to do was show her his cock on the couch and she was on it like a fly drawn to horseshit. those days are over.

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  11. On 7/31/2023 at 4:43 PM, StnCld316 said:

    Moving Day GIF


    On 7/31/2023 at 3:51 PM, daerjohn2015 said:

    Is Martina the app. cleaning up, has it come time to go?

    don't know about that; but I just rolled in and found her in the guest room rubbing one out. live.  typical shit on her belly from the side. it's hit or miss with these two. mostly miss. anyone remember Alina? I don't remember what her boyfriend's name was. it was around 2015 when Leora was in the clock apartment. I hated to see her/them go but at the time there was only about 5 apartments.

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