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Posts posted by zxcymn

  1. I've been trying to get a good look at her butthole for a long time now, but haven't come up with much; the vast majority of pictures have been deleted. There is a black and white BJ video that shows it, but it's very hard to make anything out with it. There was also a recent picture posted almost showing it, but it was uploaded with postimg which won't let you click the picture for a bigger size to get a better look.

    Does anyone still have a good shot of it saved on their computer that would be willing to help me out? Surely she has let it be seen, as much as she loves the camera. Thank you for any help you can give!

  2. Are there any decent shots of Leora's anus? I've been scouring these threads for a picture of one and found a black and white blowjob video with her butthole in it, but the shot wasn't very clear. Most of these images are long dead so I'm wondering if anyone still has one?

    Apologies for posting this in two topics. I'm new and can't figure out how to delete posts. I wanted to post it here instead of the video section.

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