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So What?!

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Posts posted by So What?!

  1. Hahaha!! Woman and technique.... ;)

    Tu ne serais pas un peu sexiste par hasard ? Ca ne t'es jamais arrivé peut-être...


    Wouldn't you be a bit sexist by any chance?  It's never happened to you maybe ...  :)

    Each time she has to switch the light off she has the same problem. It been about  one month they are in the appartment. She should know how it works.

    Bien sûr mais considérant qu'elle n'est pas là pour très longtemps (si j'en crois d'autres posts), son attention ne s'est pas focalisée sur ce détail qu'elle aura oublié bientôt, d'autant que ça n'est pas très important dans sa vie.


    Yes indeed but considering that she lives in the flat for a short time (read on other posts), its attention is not focused on this detail that she will be forgotten soon, especially as it's not very important in her life.  :o

    Weer zo'n azijnpisser die geen gevoel voor humor heeft.


    Again such a azijnpisser who has no sense of humor.

  2. WTF????!!!!  This is how you start a topic???!!!!


    "Sorry, you can't repeat a karma action without waiting 1 hours."


    I was hoping that someone else saw the fight at the same time. But if you think of that I had no patience, sorry.

    Thanks to Pixels for the translation.

  3. He did not talk to her about his problems. Maybe the Russians guys don't do this never or do this with their partner is 'not done'. Let me be clear, I do not know. The fact is that in this way they do not come to a solution.

  4. Because I myself have been so guilty of harboring such contempt and even loathing towards Paul, I just feel that I now must say these things.

    I was wrong to mock him so, though his ways did often irk me so before.  Yet I have come to realize that he does seem to have certain mental problems, and that to expect him to respond or to react in a way that we ourselves might do, is probably more difficult for him.

    All I know is that we were not put on this earth to add to someone else's misery.  And that there is no sense of joy that comes from watching someone else suffer within themselves.

    And that for all that I had said before, I now do hope that Paul will somehow be happy in life, and if nothing else will not look upon me at some later time as his enemy, nor as his tormentor.

    It stuck me hard while I watched him and Leora in that bath tub, and only then did I realize that he may not have the capacity to think or behave more like I suppose we would, and that perhaps it is not all his fault.  And in this I will not add to his hurt or his pain.

    I know that we all have our faults,.. And for whatever is troubling him, I now wish him well, as I do with all of you.

    Your Friend, If you will have it so.


    Totally agree and a good point. Without ever having a word with him and because most of us do not speak his language, we do not know exactly what his problem is or their problems are. I think that  they should discuss their problems and seek an expert for help, that's for sure.

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