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Posts posted by NCraig85

  1. There actually where a study nor long ago that Magrus up a little bit. But 345 women is way to few to say "all"


    Well I read it, I liked the part where Dr Rieger claimed"...but never straight." Apparently that landed him in a spot of bother because he then clarifies "Never was too strong..the majority of women who claim to be straight are not straight in their sexual arousal." Of those 345 women involved in the study some of them were lesbians already, "whereas lesbians are far more attracted to the female form." So subtract those and you're left with..for the sake of argument 200.

    200 women in or around the University of Essex are possibly bisexual.

    As you say way too few to qualify as all. Interesting read though, thank you.

  2. Isn't it also amazing that three of the six premium apartments are lesbians. What does that tell you about the front office.  :idk:  :bang head:

    That they're open minded and willing to try new things even if not everyone agrees with them, or that it's their business and they don't care particularly as long as they continue to make money .

    One of those is probably true.

  3. je me permet de vous redire que ilona travaille pour une agence proposant des emplois de gogo danseuses, modèles et serveuses, dans le monde entier. elle ne discute pas avec des amies, elle poste les annonces, et répond aux demandes innombrables des filles!!!

    I allow me to reiterate that Ilona works for an agency offering dancers galore jobs, models and waitresses around the world. it does not discuss with friends, her job ads, and meets the demands of countless girls !!!

    So this agency has a single staff member who "works" from waking to sleeping and doesn't get a day off?

    I call shenanigans.

  4. It was certainly a bizarre post (and topic) and one that was full of curiosities.

    One thing that has not been mentioned since the post first appeared, purporting to be from someone who had first hand knowledge of the couple themselves, was the mention of messages posted on 'VK'

    Should we all know what 'VK' is?

    I know I don't!

    Supposedly it's a Russian social media site similar to Facebook.

  5. *PLOT TWIST* Paul's so utterly uninterested in Leora because he's getting some elsewhere.

    Disclaimer: Totally made that bit up.

    In all seriousness though Paul's lack of interest in a naked Leora is probably just that, apathy, I mean how many times can you see a pair of breasts before simply losing interest regardless of who they belong to. They are after all at the end of the day essentially just well formed bags of fat.

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