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Posts posted by Buster

  1. A jackass response? The only thing I did bring to light all the reasons why his original "simple" comment was foolish. Another typical example of people not liking what I say yet failing to prove exactly why what I say is bad. But you know what? I'm pretty much done with this place. My patience for the fucktard pussy thirsty people on here and asinine baseless judgments and biases has all but worn thin and being called self-righteous from a spineless turd is about the funniest thing I've ever seen.

    "Four guys just hanging out and laughing? Must be in a gang." Two guys that are close? Must be fucking gay."

    ^This is what CC is now. A cesspool of mouth breathers that are so enthralled to smelling pussy through their monitors that every SINGLE thing any guy does is grounds for ridicule and flat out biased nonsense. "Is he holding a knife while walks around the apartment? He MUST be an asshole." I guess it would only be acceptable if he had his girlfriend locked up in a bathroom threatening her, seeing as how nobody had shit to say about that when Isabel did it, and even continue to laugh about it. You people are fucking despicable excuses for human beings, but of course, I'M the fucking problem. I'M the asshole here. So you guys can have this place. I can't even stomach what this place has become now anyway. I don't even care if I get banned for this post.

  2. Great looking girls but not to bright not knowing you don't handle electrical products while sitting in water.

    There is always a possibility of electrocution.  They were lucky this time.

    If anyone is dumb enough to do that, I wouldn't have the tiniest ounce of sympathy if they hurt themselves.

  3. "Luring" is a bit of a far-fetched assumption. And I'm sure there are plenty of girls that would do a lot more than just masturbate for free rent. We've seen plenty of masturbation from different girls in different apartments. That being said, all girls are different and some will never be as comfortable doing certain things, regardless of the rent. But with the free rent argument aside, seeing as how nobody really knows if they are getting free rent or not, I personally just don't see why anyone, man or woman, would want to live in a cam house if they weren't comfortable showing their body. It doesn't really seem worth the hassle especially if they're only going to be there 1 month tops.

  4. I have serious doubts that the one who created the theme well understands Russian. Since it was a different story. Just another fiction. I wonder how long will you continue this nonsense.

    If you're talking about people jumping to silly conclusions based off simple minded speculations or just outright making dumb shit up, that will never end on this board.

  5. So to me, a completely useless feature!

    I wouldn't say they're useless. It's only bad because they're not implemented correctly and can use a lot of improvements. It would be nice if you could pick which apts/cams you want and not have it just random, or if they wouldn't show the same apartment you're looking in one of the thumbnails, even if it was just for paid subscribers (showing 5 cams from one apt is just fucking dumb). I'm not a paying customer so I don't really have any complaints, but I think the overall feature is a nice one.

  6. You're the one complaining about newbie couples, which has only been TWO in the past month, one of them being a completely new addition, and yet somehow my arguments are the illogical ones? You say couples are waiting in line to get on RLC? Aside from you not having any proof of that (and something I don't even doubt), I never once said that there are a shortage of couples, so pointing that out was just pointless.

    Next time you want to say something is illogical, try proving it with some points of your own, which is not something you'll be able to do here.

  7. The problem is that some here believe that the tenants live their lives only to please the paying customer. No where in the agreement does it specify that the tenants must do as the subscriber demands.

    It amazes me that people, particularly on CC, still believe this after all this time. I've heard all the arguments before with people saying dumb shit like "I pay, therefore I should get this and that." People are stupid and don't read the agreements they sign up for, get mad when they don't get what they want, then somehow blame RLC for not giving them what they want. It's some of the most backwards logic I've ever heard. And what's even more stupid is that with all their bitching and complaining, they STILL won't unsubscribe. They'll keep giving them money and bitching day after day like a bunch of children.

  8. Seems like RLC can't find a couple that are worth a shit lately.  They are putting people in and throwing them out faster than you can take out the trash.  Now it's Igor and Polina .  How long will they last - a week ?

    Get some of the oldies and goodies back..........................like Alma and Isabel . Everyone else does nothing but play with their phones and eat .

    1st of all: fuck Isabel right in her stupid fucking head.

    2nd: what do you think RLC is gonna do, go out and drag these people back in a cam house? How do you even know these people even want to come back?

    3rd: one of the "oldies" actually did come back and the backlash behind it is still being expressed.

    4th: what exactly do you mean by "How long will they last - a week ?" With the exception of one couple, every couple has been here at least a few months, with some couples being here a few years. Please quit it with the exaggerations.

    5th: would you rather RLC chain couples to the house to keep them for leaving or would you rather them just not replace couples when they leave? This complaint about "newbie" couples is strange and kinda silly.

    Just accept that the couples you used to like are gone and move on already. Be happy with the new people or stop watching.

  9. Obesity has become a problem for over 25 percent of Russia’s population, according to the head of the Nutrition Institute at the Russian Academy of Sciences. After an annual examination of 1,500 people across the country, dieticians found that 55 percent of Russians had problems with excessive weight.

    In their conclusions, Russian diet specialists cast doubt on age-old myths on the appearances of the county’s female population, raising questions about their health issues. “Our women are way ahead of most European countries in obesity prevalence,” Alexander Baturin, deputy director at the Nutrition Institute, told RIA Novosti.

    In just about every country in the world, obesity is a problem, for both men AND women.

    This is why I didn't want to comment on the "fat American women" points that were brought up earlier. America used to have the largest percentage of obese people (men and women) in the world before Mexico took over the #1 spot. And that was back in 2013 so I don't know who #1 is now. And now as ozi pointed out, it's affecting 25% of Russia's population. People all over are just becoming gluttonous pigs.

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