She never went on any more dates with him that we noticed after she was saying she believed him 50/50. He wanted the dates to increase before she left but they seemed to stop altogether
Well if this is Belle's last day then i hope she has a good time on her last night out in Barcelona. She has given us all many fond memories during her 3 months here with us and has been an absolute joy to watch. She has had her fair share of ups and downs but has always come out smiling ! Farewell and good luck in everything you do ! The extremely beautiful and sexy Pixie Belle
Ps i hope im premature and she has tomorow left with us.
Im predictin a late one tonight then most of the morning / afternoon they will still be asleep. Then a quiet evening for Belle 2moro for her final evening unless she has a late flight out 2moro.
Yes i think they do if we go back to what happened with Rebecca. It was at that point that Belle and Jasmin seemed to get there affairs in order regarding travelling home.
Unless Michelle was lying to her husband on the phone she should have a flight on Thursday, unless of course she has re arranged it, but would that be so easy ?
I was looking at some pics of Belle when she first came and i have to say she must be very pleased with the results of her workouts and treatments, she has lost a lot of the puppy fat she had around her tummy and her face is much more slimline. But her bum is still as full as ever. No wonder she smiles at what she see's in the mirror. Sexy Belle
I really don't think there will be another party, i think the party was at the weekend but did not turn out as good as it could be as Michelle kept on killing the good vibes. If it does not happen tonight then it wont Wednesday night as Belle will have a flight to catch. I hope they do decide to give her a good send off, i mean my god she deserves it but with Michelle it will be all on the Balcony.