Thats the creepy bit i don't like the way he was stroking Stella to get her to drink. He wants them all drunk for his own entertainment and he is not drinking anything is he ?
I don't think Belle and Stella are going to take too much part tonight though, Stella is struggling and Belle seems just tired, whenever she gets up she is yawning like mad
Yes the girls are happy which is nice to see. Lets remember i guess they could all be off camera somewhere having there get together's if they wanted. At least like this we get to see them in either apartment.
Well im still here, They trashed Barca 1 so now the party moves over to Barca 2, looks like Mr Ape is making a punch. Go Belle what moves girl. Dont have a problem with the girls getting together in each apartment for party etc but with this guy well thats just too much.