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Posts posted by whatare3

  1. If RLC offered replay at no extra charge I would subscribe again just because of this apartment. I pay my money to see action, not tenants sitting around giving empty teases like the Barcelona apartments. All of you commenting negatively about this fake relationship need to realize that your racism is showing. They can get rid of Asia who has done nothing for this apartment and let Hakeem stay there and have his full share of women just like a normal guy in his 20's with a big cock does.

    And just because he is black and named Hakeem, that does NOT mean that he is Muslim. Just like being white and named David, that does not make you a Christian.

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  2. 6 hours ago, AntEater said:

    I think we all know why you dislike him 😉 He actually cooks and works a good amount especially compared to some of the other male tenants, but I don't think anything he does will change your mind because "there's just something about him" lol. You sure do know a lot about him for someone that doesn't like him. Interesting. 

    You couldn't have said it any better.

    • Like 4
  3. Seems to me that there is too much leniency when it comes to the cameras being taken offline. That really shouldn't happen unless it for an emergency or a person that is underage is coming to the apartment which should be very rare. None of the residents should be able to just call to have the apartment taken offline and we are given the usual excuse of "technical difficulties." That defeats the purpose of voyeurism; the reason this whole website exists.

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  4. 5 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

    Yes, he beat the living shit out of her. It was bad enough for them to be permanently terminated on the spot. Poor girl! 

    Don't you just love all the hate I'm getting for telling people to not put down people for reporting things they perceive as out of line. Essentially trying to bully people into silence so that their entertainment not be hindered. And I'm the one who is supposed to get a life. 😏

    Abuse is abuse. That is not a perception. 

  5. 1 minute ago, Amy3 said:

    You sure do like to make assumptions about me. 

    One does not have to understand the language in order perceive something as dangerous or abusive. It's always a subjective thing and everyone is free to make their choice to report it or not. People chose to do it without the need of posting comments here. 

    Again my main point was to dissuade  cc members from putting down other cc members for posting about their report. It's a form of bullying designed to shame people into not reporting things. I have personally been contacted by other members in the past who were afraid to say anything about their reports out of fear of being made fun of or put down for "ruining the fun". So, I know a thing or two about how this works.  

    Even you, yourself, are getting very close to bullying me by essentially telling me to "get a life" in order to silence me. Trust me, I have a life! I am in the midst of managing about 6 neurology centers through a very complicated Parkinson's Disease investigational drug study involving a surgical procedure. It is my job to train and manage these sites. I have plenty of life in my life. Don't you worry about that. 

    I can get a pretty clear picture from the 24,000+ posts you have on here. 

    A person as busy as you shouldn't be wasting so much time on these little voyeur sites when you have diseases to cure. We really don't need to know what you are pretending to do to make yourself feel good. 

    • Like 3
  6. 2 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

    Just got back from walking my dog around the park. Hope you feel better now! I haven't changed a bit though.

    So, let me get this straight. You don't think people should report events that they perceive as out of line because you don't think it is? Sorry, but you're not VHTV support and your opinion about what is and what is not out of line is utterly irrelevant. I can promise you that VHTV does not share your sentiment.

    The point of my comments yesterday were to stop peope like you from shaming people who wish to report behavior that they find abusive or disturbing. It's not your call to make. People are free to share their opinions without being put down by other cc members.

    Glad you decided to step away and enjoy the real world and some fresh air. Anywho...

    What I am saying is that there should not be a email to support for what "you perceive" because as you have mentioned in one of your comments before, you nor I who speak English can understand what is being said in their languages. It doesn't matter how long you sit looking at them complaining about this and that and so forth, you will never fully understand what is being said. Therefore emails to support from us should be along the lines of something with substance as I have mentioned in my previous comment, not "Oh I think he is abusing her because she is moaning very intensely." That is a perception. 

    Then you say, "Sorry, but you're not VHTV support and your opinion about what is and what is not out of line is utterly irrelevant." That applies to you as well, so why are you emailing them... I'm sure VHTV support is exhausted with you and your opinion on E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G. We see it here A LOT so I can only imagine the laundry list of things you send them.

    Real abuse absolutely needs to be reported. Reporting an apartment because you don't like their kinks is not report-worthy. That is your opinion and if you don't like what they are doing "change the channel" and go to another apartment.

    And no, I'm not "into" this particular type of activity but I know there is a world of people out there who are, so who am I to make them stop doing what they enjoy? This may hinder that pretty cool couple from visiting again.


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  7. Oh my God you complaining people really amaze me. Nothing that was going on was abuse that needed to be reported. Just because you all don't like what you see does not mean that you need to run to support to have them "do something." Real physical abuse = Report, Purposly hiding from cams = Report, Disconnecting cameras = Report. This was not a report worthy event, they were enjoying themselves. Amy I think you need to get out more because you are always on here going back and forth with how you feel about these cam sites. Go take a walk in a park for God's sake and get off your computer.

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  8. 1 hour ago, Boitoske said:

    Firstly, some of the tenants have normal jobs. Secondly, most of them sign-up to get a free living space. Thirdly, if you read the FAQ page you will see the following quote: -

    "People you see online are not actors, they are real people living their routine lives in apartments equipped with video cameras. There are no scenarios, no operators, video editing or censorship just life as it is 24/7".

    Firstly, don't try to tell me what the facts are. I know what the facts are, I am a long time member of these types of sites. As you can see from the other "normal apartments" with couples, not those fake lesbian apartments with the girls laying legs spread to the camera or the ones that are constant planned orgy for views, the tenants also lead normal lifes but they on the other hand actually spend time doing stuff in the apartment. From day 1 these two haven't done what the other new apartments have and that is to give me a reason to watch them. And if they truly sign up for free living space they need to earn their keep.

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  9. 5 hours ago, stanley said:

    I am very surprised and disapointed that @Voyeur House TV has decided to discriminate against the gay apartments by no longer making twitter announcements on the main page of their website. I expected better of them and thought they were all about equality and not discrimination.

    It's all very well having a separate account for the gay apartments, but when that is not displayed on the website it isn't a lot of use.

    Very disappointing.

    I find it very disappointing that they would make a seperation like that. Did they not think how discriminatory that is first? There isn't a seperate website so why would there be a seperate Twitter feed? Would the same have been done if these were lesbian apartments? @Voyeur House TV can you explain a reasoning behind this?

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