I’m new to this chat or whatever it’s called and I’ve been watching RLC for a couple years, on & off. Anyhow this Holly & Thor arguing is dragging on. I actually think Holly started most of the problems. I could be very wrong. If she mistrusts him so much that she has to take his phone to look for possible infidelity, she shouldn’t be with him. She was extremely aggressive/abusive with him the other night, slapping him, punching him, pulling his hair, kicking him, throwing around everything in the closet, throwing his cell phone on the floor numerous times & she threw water in his face. He kept his cool for the most part restraining her & stopping her from leaving. I thought it was good he kept her from taking off since she had been drinking all night with all of them. Tonight while arguing she pulled the blanket over his face & held it on him. I was actually wondering if she was trying to suffocate him. She’s starting to seem controlling & rather crazy in my opinion. He certainly has issues also. I think his main issue is when he drinks he goes into his own world & becomes distant. He also ignores her & flirts with others when he drinks which doesn’t make for a happy relationship. Okay, I’ve gone on long enough. I actually have NO life & that’s pretty much why I’m here. ☮️