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Posts posted by rzkjr1

  1. 40 minutes ago, Pete1960 said:

    I actually saw her smile once last week, I was shocked

    I actually saw her smile once last week, I was shocked

    She usually smiles with whomever she chooses to smile with.  She just comes off like she's so tough.  But really isn't as tough as she tries to be. I don't care as much about how she looks anyway.  I just move on to whomever interests me.  BTW, I'm interested enough in her sometimes, regardless. But, that's just me. 

  2. 2 hours ago, timber said:

    Towards the end there's also thumping and the door handle is moving up and down like someone is pressing against it from the other side. But perhaps they were just having a very vigorous pee.

    Yeah, they were looking very rugged when the came out too.  At least Anya did from what I saw.  After I saw that, it was enough for me.  The handles weren't moving around for nothing. anyone who thinks differently can kiss my ass.

    • Like 1
  3. 56 minutes ago, Mark Thompson said:

    back to that are you?? 

    girls constantly, through history,, grab girlfriends into bathrooms world wide and throughout history ....

    don't create something out of nothing ...we get too much of this on this forum  ...let it go 

     IF Taylor wanted to fool around she has had 5 days now to show something 

    I don't know about that myself.  That's yours and maybe someone else's opinion. Not mine.  I notice the way they kiss each other sometimes which is very strange to me.  I've also met others in my personal life that just give a little kiss on the lips as a greeting.  When I first saw that it was very weird to me.  Maybe not to you or anyone else.  Some other people I know thought one of the guys that was kissing a woman in front of his wife in that way was cheating on her because he's the type of guy that usually flirts with women a lot and his wife look at him like she didn't approve of it.  When others that knew her saw her looking like that they thought he was cheating on her.  I don't remember how but, I eventually learned it was just a greeting.  Someone tried that with me many times and I pulled away each time because I never was greeted that way before and I still don't great anyone in that way as a friend and especially not in the way I was seeing it.  There are times however, when I think it is appropriate.  That's just the way I see it.  It doesn't mean that's is how everyone else sees it.  I wasn't used to it neither were others used to seeing a woman do that to me and started teasing that she was my girlfriend.   I didn't even know these people very well so I just let it go.  I never had any kisses when I was growing up as a kid like that from anyone in my family, so don't tell me how to be with someone when I see someone kiss someone especially if it looks very sensual to me.  That's the way I was seeing it at the time when Taylor and some others were kissing, even if it was just a game.  I didn't always see her doing it the same way with some of the others.  I've seen others kiss each other on the cheeks to greet but never seen it any other way when they just like or love each other in a non sensual way  That's only my opinion. I already know how to let things go.  I just don't understand it that much when I see something like that.

    • Haha 2
  4. 3 hours ago, moules said:

    I will say looking at the guest and Elvis now sitting on the LR  couch next to each other in good light that there is a strong facial resemblance between the two.

    I see Elvis is having some fun with his two friends.

  5. 22 minutes ago, northguy said:

    They didn't do sex, as far as I know, so Taylor is not interested in

    Anya, who hit her aggressively for 12 hours in Tereza and Timur's bed.

    She was interested in her at the B4 party before then, from what I had seen.  She just wasn't doing anything when she was in B5 at the time, after it became an issue with her and the others she was involved with between her and Kristy. I don't want to see it go down that way, unless it's no longer an issue for them which I think it still is.

    • Like 1
  6. 26 minutes ago, northguy said:

    Yeah Max. Though Taylor has been hitting wildly against

    almost any woman when drunk, she apparently can be loyal,

    which might seem a surprise, but my guess is,

    that Kristy in her mind is her biggest catch,

    and you just don't throw that away.

    The other girls might have realized, that there is no way anymore.

    If she's so loyal, what was her pulling Anya into the bathroom in B7 all about? She doesn't seem loyal to me.

    • Like 2
  7. 22 minutes ago, Mark Thompson said:

    Anya not visiting Tereza for some time ????  After the embarassment  of Moron  she went into a quiet period ... may be sick but certainly withdrawn ..  she won't be a big loss to me when she goes 

    Brittany made a supersplash in her first week and not a F'n thing since ????  embarrassment of drunkenness  wakes some people up as to what the fuck am I doing !!!

    But all this excess boozing and drugs since Moron came around has changed the mood of the Villas and visitors ...  

    I don't understand why she even went that route with Miron, because she led him up to cause him to at least try something with her, with all the kissing and hugging, etc.  She could make up the usual excuse, I didn't know what I or he was doing and that could be true.  I just don't believe it.  I haven't participated in taking drugs or alcohol for many many years and I've taken a lot continuously over the years.  I never have taken any drugs or/and alcohol without knowing exactly what was going on, except one time when I overdosed on some ludes. Instead of taking one pill I took two and blacked out.  That only happened to me one time where I didn't remember what happened in between when I took it and afterwards.  I can remember everything else before I took them and afterwards, and I wasn't a good sight to see afterwards when I woke up somewhere and didn't know how I got there.

    • Confused 1
  8. 19 minutes ago, Noldus said:

    Daniel in B7

    I was wondering what is name was.  I think if anything, he would be the one to go after Kimberly without a doubt.  I could be wrong.  I would just love to see her get laid at least one time.  I know that's what she wants if nothing else.  Maybe that's why the bates are hidden. She's probably not as comfortable only with that part.  She just wants a man... or a real good woman, as far as I can tell.

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  9. 6 minutes ago, menouscope2015 said:

    Brittney looks so miserable in B1 ... She must get out of there and move to B4 , where there is LIFE !  

    I don't see much life in B4 any longer.  They seem pretty dead to me.  I mean look at Anya.  She is an exciting person to be around usually.  She just hasn't been that way much, since she left B2.  Maybe it's because of her previous Taylor incident. I don't know for sure.  It seemed like to me, she still wanted to get back with Taylor since that party at B4, when she was in B5 with Tereza, although some said earlier Taylor wanted to do something with Anya when it was all fake, I didn't agree with that because, in my opinion, Anya seemed to want her more that night until Tereza said to Anya it was a game or something like that.  Plus, I could tell Taylor was holding back a lot not being her usual self.  As far as what I think about Brittney, she doesn't seem to be that exciting to be around much unless she's getting drunk, IMO.

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  10. 11 minutes ago, northguy said:

    OK Ponch, I might be wrong, but to me it seems that

    Taylor hasn't been fired be Kristy yet, because then

    Taylor would do Anya or another girl available.

    Kristy might not have any desire to return to B4,

    as she is not employed anymore.

    I agree with you on that one.  It's not like Taylor to be this calm the way she has been recently.  Plus she said Kristy was planning to be there today, even if that doesn't happen, I see Taylor holding back a lot for her. That's very unusual for Taylor.  If I see otherwise, then I'll change my mind. I sure hope that doesn't happen.  However, either way, life is what it is.  I'm just trying to enjoy myself with the suspense of it all, at the moment.

    • Like 1
  11. 7 hours ago, poncherello said:

    Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording

    Yes, of course, but then he immediately returned to B7. I'm talking about everyone's definitive return and the door remained open after Tani and Anya entered

    I just saw this one.  I noticed Tani closing the door and then Anya telling her to leave it open I guess for Fior, because he eventually entered for a few minutes before he left.  They leave that door wide open sometimes. I get a little crazy myself when that happens, because I've seen it open for a very long time and sometimes they just walk by and leave it open before someone decides to close it.   I mentioned a couple of times in the past, I've seen it being left open for over an hour after everyone left.  Then someone closed it after they returned.  I need to get a better life, after seeing that for so long. Anyway, nothing I can do about it.  It's their life not mine.  I just hope they'll be cautious about where they live at least a little more than they have been.

  12. 40 minutes ago, poncherello said:

    It's crazy, you're right, but if the girls don't stop him who can? We will get rid of him when Raniya comes out unless she has laid a solid foundation to continue. I am increasingly convinced, contrary to what some think, that Miron has a problem: a brain as big as a pea

    I could imagine with all the drugs he's probably consuming and the amount he distributes.  I'm just glad I don't see him as much as I did earlier.  Although I'm sure it won't last for long to keep him away from the scene.

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