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Posts posted by UrbanNoodles

  1. There most likely is a reason the TV is on. It triggers the motion sensors, and RLC most likely have an incentive based on activity from those.

    "Oh the TV is on, k I can wait till one of the chicks come back downstairs." ...20 hours later "She has to come back... THE TV IS ON FOR GODS SAKE!!!"

    But honestly I think it's because they are women and they get distracted too easily. Never knew a woman that remembers to turn off the TV at night.

  2. Urban noodles, yes Nikky is a porn star. Check her under porn name Evelina Darling. She has done many pornos including anal, blowjobs, deep throat, anal, vaginal, lesbian sex, three guys, etc. So did Julia and Gavin who were here until recently (Julia  under porn name Emma Brown). Julia is Nikky's porn modeling agent.

    It's a wild world!

    I guess this would explain her lack of sex at VV... At least she is a porn star :lmao: :woohoo:

  3. Again, do you guys not get this one thing? She has done a blowjob for Akira, has had lesbian sex with Petra. She appears naked all the time. Yet she appears in pornos where she does just blow jobs or just lesbian sex and always is naked. Why does that not violate her contracts with porn producers? Now, maybe if she did dangerous sex and was injured doing it, then that might violate some provisions of contracts to keep her safe for future pornos. Also to not deface or ruin her body in some way. So, probably bdsm is out.

    Wait, Nikky is a pornstar?

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