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Everything posted by cylinderopuntia

  1. Is there a bet between Rani and Miro? who ever showers first loses!
  2. Aber das ging schnell. Britney verließ B1 um 21:58 Uhr und steht um 22:28 Uhr an der Türklingel in B4.
  3. It was Kristy's suitcase, Kristy wrapped her suitcase in foil and Monika's suitcase was pink.
  4. Kristy kommt zurück, sie hat einen Koffer mit Folie umwickelt und um 18:18 Uhr im Treppenhaus zur Turnhalle verstaut Wo Holly und Tweety für eine lange Zeitihre Koffer hatten
  5. Men's shoes and men's jacket in the hallway and big shoes on the balcony.
  6. She introducet herself toKristy as Paula. Red is only because of the hair.
  7. The best room for Taylor and Paula would be A & K's room in B7. There they are undisturbed.
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