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Posts posted by coastwalkerwest

  1.     When I was little , the couple that lived next door were in show biz . He was a song writer and she was a singer. He wrote songs for broadway shows and they would play them on the organ . He is best known for writing Take me out to the ballgame . I listened to most types of music . But growing up on the west coast and in so . cal. , you can not leave out the surfing and car music of groups like the Beach Boys, Jan & Dean , The Ventures , Dick Dale . Still can not leave out groups like Fleetwood Mac , The Eagles , Z Z Top and others . Then for some drinking music Jimmy Buffet .

  2.     It is not done a lot in southern California homes because the bathrooms are not big . I have worked on three or four very large homes , where there was a washer& dryer in the master bathrooms . On most of these homes the master bath was made up of 3 to 4 rooms and were in a dressing area .  I did the plumbing on one that had 4 washer & dryers in it . Some  in the bathrooms and pantry . The funny thing about this home there was only 3 people there . 20,000 sq. feet . The thing I have seen in the Russian apts. they use combo units where the washer & dryer are one . Here a unit like that is 900-1,200 dollars .

  3.       The longer that I watch this couple , a cycle is starting to show up . It is starting to look like all of the drama of the leaving , crying ,fighting, the phone calls , the return, making up is driving this couple . It can not be good for either side . There is blame on both sides . It most likely keep repeating , till they move. Life in a fish bowl .

  4.     As many members have pointed out Paul is a flake . Leora is in love with him , but it also blinds her to all of the (            ) he pulls . You can tell by his actions he is not really in love with her . He is there because he can say he has a hot GF , to his pals . For the sex and the fact that that she cleans , cooks , and takes care of him like his mother . It is really hard to know what it will take for her to see the real Paul and dump him . She should take the lap top with her when she leaves . Or if he wants to stay up all night make him go to a different room , when she needs to sleep . Where I live here in So. Cal. you see a lot of this type of couples . 1a bright star and 1 a dud . And the roles can be reversed , where the female is the flake .  He now just got up at 12:30 there time after watching tv till after 3:00am there time , after a hard night!!. I saw Leora getting ready to leave around 6:00 am . He is now on lap top .  :(

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