will any of ya'll good samaritan post a video of rita naked or masturbating here in this section. pls i think this is all we've been needing for. hahaha
i notice shes waving in front her laptop as of now and talking to someone. my question is, is she a cam girl too or just chatting topless to her bf/friends?
i just saw her again doing it again all by herself. so i'm wondering if maybe, when can we all saw her rubbing her pearls in a close-up view? just a thought. anyways i love her more and more and i can't stop thinking about her when i'm on my laptop. :idk:
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"And Paul Look at us and say: who's the loser now watchers." :clap:
finally after all this time i get the chance of seeing this two beautiful people making love on live. what a lucky night for me and i'm sure y'all too. May this forever continue goodnight everybody. :lmao:
i hope that she's not. paul maybe a loser at times but i never think that he deserves to be treated on that way. btw i posted this because she use her phone on the bathroom away from the cam for like 30 minutes +. and i notice she's texting when pauls around.
i notice she uses her phone often. so i'm wondering if her feelings for paul came to cold and she always pleasure herself? can someone answer pls?. i'm an asian and i cant understand anything this beautiful people are talking about.