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Posts posted by Linked

  1. 43 minutes ago, eagleb1 said:

    The flag has been the symbol of the patriots who have abused African-Americans since the beginning of our country.  If you don't think that the abuse is continuing today, then you're not paying attention.

    Free speech is a right embedded in our constitution.  I think that kneeling instead of standing is a pretty mild way of protesting the many racist things happening.  If you haven't stood in their shoes, you can't appreciate how weak any symbol is compared to the reality of what they're experiencing.

    You do realize the first slave owner in the US was a black man right? Blacks are just as racist as whites. Blacks just as whites fight and die for this nation. I have had the pleasure of serving along side many blacks in combat who love this nation and flag as much as I do. Your argument is invalid as blacks abuse each other at a much higher rate than whites abuse blacks. Plus any blacks who stand up for this country and how great she is, is called an Uncle Tom.  I don't owe blacks anything. They want me to feel sorry that their ancestors were slaves. Guess what I am of Irish decent the Irish were treated just as bad if hot worse than any black slaves in this country. Only 1% of the population back in the early 1800 were slave owners.  I am tired of everyone saying white privilege, blacks or abused, and we owe them something. I was a smart ass when I got out of highschool and applied for scholarships that are provided for black only people. I even applied to a black college, what do you think were the results of that. Denied. But by god you don't see any only white scholarships do you.  This country is the greatest, but yet these people think we owe them something. Kappernick makes money to play the sport he loves and he is protesting (which is his given right defended by countless lives lost to preserve freedom)  for people who want to be jackasses and not follow directions given to them by law enforcement officials.  It also doesn't help that the man in the whitehouse is a racebaiting cocksucker

    • Upvote 3
  2. I see all this talk about service members. Well here you go, as a combat veteran (OIF) I will give my two cents.  If they want to kneel let them. It is a right they have. If they want to be disrespectful little dickwads it is their right. I have told numerous people to remove their hats, but have never told someone to stand. If I ever run across someone standing on or god forbid burning my flag, they will be missing teeth when I am done.  I still serve the people of the US with pride and have the backs of my brothers and sisters who serve along side me and those who have given their lives for this country and her people.  If they want to kneel and cry like little babies let them it is their right. It is also my right to not watch them, call them little bitches, and not give them a dome of my money.

  3. For those of you in Florida, I hope you are boarded up and safe.  I keep the state in my thoughts and hopefully it won't be bad enough for my guard unit to be called up, but would gladly come down to help. Stay safe my friends.

    • Upvote 4
  4. 3 hours ago, Chiller.Aquarium said:

    While I feel there is a certain amount of sour grapes going on here and I appreciate the gesture Linked, I feel that you won that fair and square and I would like to know that should I win the free membership it was also fair and square.

    With your contributions, you definitely deserve one. Nudity of the day is my favorite thread, lol.  I don't know what the problem was/is, but if this would fix it I am all happy to do that for you LOL

  5. On 10/5/2016 at 5:58 AM, erugok said:

    I think the winner wasn't deserve to win. He upload 2 pics with few up votes on them while users like: t60185 or Thestarider have uploaded more with better quality and more positive reactions on them. It seems that he gets the prize just cause he were commenting a lot that he want a premium membership.

    Hope this month things change.

    It's OK you feel this way. I have been on this board almost three years. I will happily have Admin transfer my membership if possible.  

    Admin,  if it would make everyone happy and you can, transfer my membership to Chiller if he doesn't have one.  

    • Like 1
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  6. Stncld,

    As most of the time I might say I agree with you. But this time I have to point to a flaw in your statement, "You can't bomb people into submission". As a matter of fact yes you can. Just ask Japan. When the bombs fell on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the were in fact done. Bombed into submission. 

    Our problem is the fanatics are fighting a religious war, we are not. We will never get anywhere with the muzzies until the moderates of their religion say enough is enough, which they won't do. They want everyone muzzie or dead. End of story end of argument. It is their entire teaching.  I think the only country that realizes what this is is Israel because the Jew have been fighting this war since the days of the child molester muhammad. Christians only during the Crusades.  

    I vote we turn everything from the border of Israel to Iran into a sheet of glass. But hey I am just a right wing nut job who loves my guns and hates people whose only point in life to to get people to convert or kill them. 

  7. If you would read the comments to that article, there were a few people from Sweden who commented in the comments section.  (At least their facebook said they were from Sweden.)  These were not just random kids.  These "kids" were a part of a gang who harasses and cause general havoc in this station.  Most of the "kids" who were attacked were between the ages of 15 and 25. Of course, in liberal world 25 is still a kid.  These "kids" were a part of a GANG. but hey, they are immigrants so we have to let them get there way when it comes to harassing the women and attacking security guards. It's just a damn shame that no leftist media outlet in the world will touch the fact that these  masked men stood up for there country and are labeled neo-Nazi. which I will not lie might be the case and I don't condone the way they went about it. but it just goes to show the fact what these migrants and their 5th century ways are making people do. 

    By the way, I had to leave my local Walmart yesterday without my groceries because I literally watched a Somalian refugee take a shit on the floor inbetween the beer case and the milk case.  I guess the bathroom that was 100 yards away from his able body was to far.  That's right he lifter up his man burka and shit right on the floor.  From the looks of the guys who had to come clean it up, this was an everyday occurrence.  Not to mention there is only one makeshift masque in that town and I have seen an official FBI report that says they are watching BokuHarram terrorist in that mosque.  As a member of the National Guard with our Armory not 400yrds from that Mosque they sent us a report so on drill weekends we knew what was going on because quite frankly our National Guard Armories are not very secure.  But, Hey, they are just trying to make better lives for themselves so it is ok. :bang head:

  8. i totally agree with bookmaster, i don't see anything but natural looking breasts on danaya.

    The way her boobs are sagging.  her nipples are still way to upright for them to sag that much and not have a little padding behind it.  breast implants now a days are put in through a tiny incision on the underside of the areola.  they make the incision right on the edge of the areola and the breast to minimize (almost non existent) scarring.  Look at the way her boobs sag and you will see that the bulk of her tits sag in one formation instead of a more flat sag which most women without implants and large breast sag.  she looks like a saggy grapefruit, and her nipples themselves (when you can see them) are almost pointed upwards instead of straight out or sagging with the rest of her tit.  This might also be a reason she bleaches her nipples, to help make the scar from her implants non existent. 

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