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Everything posted by cupid30

  1. RLC seems to be cleaning house....fiora gave a good show th last few days before she left!!! Surely secured her spot for a return!
  2. no one expects them to be cooped up in the apt all day/night!! But lets be real,there are some here that has worn out their welcome!!
  3. It's not that,you sound like one of the naive ones that don't wanna admit that rlc has gone to crap!! I've been here since 2015 so I know how exciting things were before this pseudo chaturbate spinoff!!!
  4. Pleasseee!!!!! ANYONE else besides these two😱
  5. I personally like fiora!! It's "vamp" I cannot stand!!!! Maybe if he were the least bit attractive i could've grown to tolerate him!!
  6. the coughing was driving me crazy!!! 🤬 pretty sure thats not natural!
  7. hope she never invites this selfish joker again!!!!!
  8. Ulyana USED to be fun!! Never really fancied olivia!
  9. Totally agree! RLC scored big time with bringing back eva!
  10. Those two sisters can fuck off as far as I'm concerned!!
  11. I've only ever seen her leave that bed today when Bogdan was moving something for radi In the bedroom!!!
  12. The chick in radi's room that thinks it's attractive to sit with her pussy pointed at the camera all day,has anyone ever seen her take a shower??🤮
  13. Yes it is!!! We're not the only ones getting fucked tonight though!
  14. why would you retouch your makeup to fuck or go to sleep?? cuz im sure she's about to do either one!
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