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Posts posted by See

  1. 1 hour ago, delong1 said:

    From the look of things in the bedroom the new guests will likely spend the night. Masha handing her clothes

    They are from St. Petersburg, so most likely they will spend week or two. That girl was in Dasha's place with Masha about 2 years ago. Masha took some photos of her. Girl went to bathtub from toilet bowl side and took off her pants without knowing cameras 5 and 6. She noticed camera 5, scared, closed the shower curtain, but it was too late (pussy can be already seen before that). When she left the tub she protected herself of camera 5 with shower curtain, and her cloth changing (breasts) can be seen nicely from camera 6.


  2. 7 minutes ago, mr1010 said:

    Don't think so, See. Maybe from too much drinking? Look at how she eats. And she doesn't go that bathroom right after she eats.

    She is not extraordinarily thin, just svelte.

    Don't make too much of it.

    I hope that you're right and I'm wrong. I once had to follow one case quite closely, it did not end well. For this reason, I have been watching the signs of the disease in every girl in this apartment. There has been many thin girls before her, but now it is the first time when my alarm bells began to ring. As I said, I really hope that I'm wrong on that.

    • Upvote 2
  3. On 22.4.2016 at 7:43 PM, mr1010 said:

    Oh and Elisa is not aneroxic. I lost 60 pounds in less than two years. i am not anorexic. She eats, doesn't avoid food, even eats meat (which she ate mine, but that's a tale for another day).

    So don't worry about that. 

    There is still one thing that should be worried about. Have you listened voices that can be heard from the downstairs bathroom when she goes there with a toothbrush or a glass of water? I hope I'm wrong, and I really hope that she does not have bulimia.

  4. On 23.3.2016 at 0:16 PM, See said:



    It was not a cry of hope, it was a statement.


    For my post I ment to say that Aida is not going to move back into her old room after her vacation. A moment ago, before she left she emptied her dresser and packed all her stuff into her suitcase. She didn't took suitcase with her, she left it in her wardrobe. Room is now ready to welcome a new girl, only that suitcase and clothes in hangers need to move to Aida's new room (which most likely is Adele's room). Based on that It is very sure that there is a new girl coming before Aida returns.


    Now can just wait maintenance break, and hope that new girl is hot. As I wrote in another thread there are very strong signs that she will be blue dressed girl visited with Nora few days ago.



    I think I should have chosen a career as a predictor. My uncle was that, and recommend it to me when I was young. He saw the talents I have.

    So the new girl on the way. I still hope that it would be the blue dress girl. However, this seems a little unlikely now, unless Adele is leaving during this maintenance. She is unlikely to move in the apartment before Adele leave, because she has another place to stay in Barcelona.

    Another alternative would be that new girl is friend of Aida and comes with her. Also that is unlikely unless Adele leaving during this maintenance. Aida emptied her room, so she returns to another room.

    It is certain that there will be a new girl in the room Aida. When Aida returns, there is a possibility that she will move to the same room with Danaya if Adele is not left before her return.


  5. 5 minutes ago, isidore57 said:

    je pense qu'elle est partie pour toujours car elle a vidé tous les tiroirs et l'armoire

    elle a également retire tous sur les murs et a fait le tour de la chambre avant de partir avec sa valise bleue


    Her blue suitcase is in her wardrope, she didn't took it with her. Aida emptied her room because Adele is leaving during Aida's vacation, and there is a new girl coming into Aida's room. Aida will move into Adele's room after going back. I can already see that as a fact, not as speculation anymore.

    • Upvote 2
  6. 14 hours ago, See said:


    Taking off her decorations already now could only mean that new (blue dressed) girl is going to move in her room during her vacation. Usually girls from Aida's room has moved to Adele's room when it has vacant. This means that Adele is moving out during Aida's vacation, and Aida will take her room. Hooray!!!


    12 hours ago, snaky said:

    Huh?? I hope this was a cry of hope and not a statement.


    It was not a cry of hope, it was a statement.


    For my post I ment to say that Aida is not going to move back into her old room after her vacation. A moment ago, before she left she emptied her dresser and packed all her stuff into her suitcase. She didn't took suitcase with her, she left it in her wardrobe. Room is now ready to welcome a new girl, only that suitcase and clothes in hangers need to move to Aida's new room (which most likely is Adele's room). Based on that It is very sure that there is a new girl coming before Aida returns.


    Now can just wait maintenance break, and hope that new girl is hot. As I wrote in another thread there are very strong signs that she will be blue dressed girl visited with Nora few days ago.


    • Upvote 1
  7. 3 minutes ago, Yury said:

    I was not referring to the age of the girl in a blue dress. 

    She is more educated and cultural than the current residents of the apartment. She held myself slightly haughtily as a Nora. Very confident and ironic. The level of women is higher than that of the residents of this apartment. It is unlikely that the princess would want to live in a shack. If only together with Nora. :shy:

    In addition, she is from Russia. I do not think that the RLC will settle her with Ukrainian girls.


    I agree every thing you wrote (of course, because it supports my thoughs in my previous post).

    I am not surprised even if Nora is going to move back to the Danaya's room when it becomes vacant. I feel her third housing more likely than unlikely, and quality of the girls will be totally other than in case of few most recent residents .

    • Upvote 3
  8. 7 minutes ago, sulzer25059 said:

    Kitek i hope she is only going for a few days but why take down her wall decoration. I just witnessed Adele speak to her about something in the Bathroom didn't seem in a nice tone though.


    Taking off her decorations already now could only mean that new (blue dressed) girl is going to move in her room during her vacation. Usually girls from Aida's room has moved to Adele's room when it has vacant. This means that Adele is moving out during Aida's vacation, and Aida will take her room. Hooray!!!

    • Upvote 2
  9. Yes they talked very friendly, but could it be that they have met after Aida move to the Barcelona? One of my assumptions was that they have met because blue dressed girl is going to move in. Was there anything in their conversation what told they have met in Ukraine?

    You are very new viewing RLC. Those who have viewing RLC years know that Kiko visits in Ukraine often, but not Nora. There are no evidence (or any signs) that she would have been there even once about five years. It has even spelated that she can't return to Spain if she goes  back to Ukraine.

    In my opinion blue dress girl is not yet outgrown this project. There has been many girls in her age in that apartment earlier. It might be that she don't fit to live with Adele (or Danaya), but almost all of the girls before Ukrainians have behaved in a civilized manner. I keep it very possible that RLC is going to get things in that apartment in order, and changed their recruiting policy.

    • Upvote 3
  10. 3 hours ago, Noldus said:

    There is a problem when sudden activity, then it is easy to freeze. It helps a great deal by turning off the motion sensor


    2 hours ago, happyman88 said:

    Good tip, thanks Noldus, I'll try it tonight hoping of course we get some girlie action and they don't stay out all day and all night !


    And that sudden activity does not even must happen in apartments you are viewing. It is enough to get java script (running in your computer) "overloaded" that there is much action in other apartments.

  11. Last night when I went to bed, I began to think Nora's visit in the apartment. Today, the situation became even more confused, because of Aida's departure. My reasoning, of course, contains some assumptions, but I tried to be realistic and base my thoughts on facts as much as possible.

    It has become clear that Adele and Aida know each other for a long time before Barcelona, so I no longer believe that the main reason for the visit was the relationship between them. It must be related to something else. In the past, I deal with shrugged off the writings where the blue dress girl with Nora guessed to be the next resident of the apartment. Not anymore.

    It has been translated, that Adele leaving soon. It is now certain that also Aida leaves, packaging has already begun. If Adele is going to leave, I can not find any other reason for Aida's departure than miss a boyfriend. She was not too shy, and progress all the time. Is also Danaya leaving? She have had clearly problems, she is no longer same happy Danaya as at the beginning.

    It has also translated that Adele recruits Aida. Nora and Aida unlikely knew each other from before. Between them is a significant age difference. Nora has lived in Barcelona for many years, and Aida was very young when Nora has moved to Barcelona. The same also applies to Adele and Danaya. It is also very unlikely that Aida and blue dress girl have known each other before Aida moved to Barcelona. They are of different nationalities.

    Then the role of the blue dress girl. She lives in Barcelona as much as her VISA regulations permit. She has returned a few weeks ago. In between, she spent three months in her home country. Despite of her long stays in Barcelona, she has never visited in old apartment of Nora and Kiko. She has also not visited in this apartment with Nora before, only with Lilu. I don't think that they are close friends, but know each other well.

    There must be a permanent contact in Barcelona, who is responsible to welcome the girls, familiarize them to the apartment, explains how things work, take care of the paperwork, etc ... This is still in responsibility of Nora, and in this way she knows all the girls in the apartment.

    So far deduced:
    - Aida and Adele are leaving soon, perhaps also Danaya. There is still fear that Adele will stay, and that might be a reason for Aida's departure.
    - Only Nora and the blue dress girl have known each other before, but are not very close friends.
    - Nora knows the other girls only because of her role in RLC.

    Visit of Nora and the blue dress girl brought to my mind last September, when Kamila's VISA problems came to light, and she was leaving with Kristy. A couple of days before K&K left there was a guest with Nora. That guest was Nikki, who moved in about 10 days later. Nikki and Nora knew each other from before. As Nikki, also blue dress girl has previously lived in Barcelona several times.

    In my opinion, there is a similar problem in the apartment than in September last year and Nora's help was needed again in recruitment. Nora recruited the blue dress girl to move in. During their visit it was not yet known that Aida will leave. For that reason Nora introduced Aida and blue dress girl with one another.

    The situation is now changing very confused when Aida is moving out. I find it even possible that apartment will be shut down for a moment yet again. There are still hopes that Danaya stays, blue dress girl moves in or RLC have another girl(s) ready to move in (and fear that Adele is not going to leave).

    Nevertheless, I hope that we can welcome the blue dress girl. She is really hot.

    • Upvote 2
  12. 1 hour ago, Noldus said:

    Hello Yury
    She may not have been there for 2015-2016 it was the night Anna and Irma had their show.

    2014-2015 was Nora and Alisa there. Believes Lilu went before 31.12.
    It must then have been this eve she was there??

    Lilu left 4.1.2015. This guest was in the apartment several times as a guest of Lilu. She was there also in the new year a little after the publication of this apartment, not in the last new year. As I recall, she was also present at Mia's birthdays, which were in the apartment, although Mia no longer lived there She has lived in Barcelona for a long time, but sometimes elsewhere.

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