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Posts posted by Zombywoof

  1. Looks like Masha has found a muscular black man with a huge cock.  We have seen her watch porn with guys like that, so it's safe to say that type turns her on.  I hope she has fun, and he treats her well. I wonder if Elvis is watching his successor on line.

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  2. A few weeks ago I asked a question about how to avoid the many pop ups, and redirects on some sites with content most people here would find of interest. I just wanted to tell everyone that for the last week or two the "Hot" one that was the worst offender has been worked on and now behaves perfectly, like any normal site. So if you got frustrated and stopped checking in, you might want to try it now.

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  3. Recently there was some comments about a few websites that post some of the videos people in this forum might find of interest.  Without naming them here, I would like to ask if anyone knows how to avoid all the pop-ups, and redirects that plague especially one of them. I already use AdBlock Plus and it seems to stop between 10 and 13 pop-ups on every page, but any click on the page still opens a new tab and redirects the first one to a spam site.  It seems to have gotten worse.  At one time it would only happen five or six times before the video would open, lately it can take many dozens of times.  I tried to sign up for the site, but the reCAPTCHA function needed to continue is disabled.
    Any help will be appreciated.  Thank you.

  4. There are so many good, and beneficial things that have been brought to people by the internet.  So much information, and entertainment at the tips of your fingers at all times. But as with anything with such enormous impact on society, it also has its negative effects. One of them is by expanding the democratization of data, we now have individuals whose comments travel around the world when thirty years ago they would only have reached the end of the bar they were spoken in.  Too many people are under the impression that simply because they can form an opinion it is somehow worth someone else's interest. This is the case for some people in this forum.
    If you don't like what this woman does, don't watch her.  Pretty simple. It reminds me of people who go on a YouTube video of some musical group's song and spend half an hour complaining about how they don't like that group, and how little respect they have for their music.  Why would anyone bother turning to some little corner of the internet and in doing so subject themselves to things they already know they don't enjoy only to complain, and belittle those who do enjoy? Low self esteem? Do they feel more important after whining about something they needlessly subjected themselves to in the first place?
    I know this has been said before, but the constant complaining about whatever this woman does, or does not do is unnecessary.

    • Upvote 2
  5. By herself she's put things in her ass before. I guess it's something she is interested in.
    Not sure what is in the little vial she sniffed right before, but "poppers" are known to be used in conjunction with anal sex.
    " Popper is a slang term given broadly to drugs of the chemical class called alkyl nitrites that are inhaled. It is used for practical purposes to facilitate anal sex by increasing blood flow and relaxing sphincter muscles[" --Wikipedia

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  6. I watched them from 21:20 {their time} until the guest left. I have no idea why, and I won't speculate, but clearly she set some boundaries. She made certain to keep her legs closed at all times, and at least twice with Eva and three or more times with Sam, she reached down and moved their hands away when they touched her pussy.
    I do not know if they were doing Ecstacy or not. Didn't look to me like they were. But should they have been, I could understand why she might have been down for kissing and caressing but not for genital contact.
    But the main point I'd like to make is that whatever disappointment some of us might be feeling is not for lack of ability, or effort on the part of Eva and Sam.

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  7. There are  two men at the kitchen table with the girls. Never seen that before. They're drinking and using the water pipe. The younger one looks like he might be acceptable if they're looking to experiment. Just like alot of straight women experiment with other women when they're young, some lesbians also experiment with men. Happened to me twice in my mid-twenties, but I'm old, fat and hairy now. I wish I could understand what they were saying, there are some looks coming from the girls that could be innocent, or be provocative depending on what they're talking about.


  8. Re: Implants
    I mean no criticism to any individual. But I really think what needs to be re-examined is why different societies make anyone feel like they have to change anything about their physical self. I can't help but be concerned about the factors that influence people to make surgical alterations to their bodies.
    {And I don't mean people like me who should alter their appearance through good diet and exercise.}

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  9. So here's what happened with me. I woke up just in time to catch the beginning of the action in the kitchen. Followed them to the bedroom and switched between the two cams depending on position. But I had to go to work. So when there was a bit of a break I started a second recording from just the cam closest to the door for one hour, hoping I'd catch as much as possible.
    Now here's where it gets interesting. Get home after work and before I can check the files a program gets laggy so I do a restart. Freezes at the Welcome screen. Several restart attempts, restore to previous builds don't fix it so it is likely a bad sector on the drive rather than a software issue. I'm sure I'm fucked. Bring the laptop to work with me and discover that if you give it a command and wait one or two hours it will obey. Eight hours into it I can get to the desktop and dump the files onto the thumb drive I always carry, but never use.Funny part is I work the midnight shift, and as I'm waiting and waiting almost an hour to dump onto this slow stick, my bosses start to come in and talk to me.  Sit at the desks around me while I'm transferring files with the words "fucking" and "Blowjob" in the name. 
    I'm halfway through the first file and it seems fine. I'll get to the second one later. I won't be posting anywhere for a while but if it works out the way I think, recordings do exist and this is the internet.

  10. Fifteen minutes of the foursome were posted on another thread here.
    I have only been paying for RLC for two months but I've recorded a bunch of stuff. Does anyone know if it's just the number in the lower left that is an identifier, or can your account be traced by some other means like the grey dots?  I won't be posting anything until after I get bored and cancel my account, but it's information I'd like to know if anyone has the answer.


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