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Posts posted by johnycom

  1. Wouldn't it be easier to get your own subscription? Think what you get paid per hour, if you work, then think about the time it takes you to download the file, watch it and then realize it wasn't worth your time to start with.

    Subs are  per day.

    Most of the people behind those nicknames are underage kids from Zimbabwe, or alike. Where would they get $1.00USD ?

  2. Hey Hypocrite,.. You just chastised someone else for criticizing that imbecile Paul for essentially the same thing.

    And once again you are making an assumption, that may or may not be true,.. ( A little dose of your own medicine ).. So how the hell do you know that Paul is downloading movies, or porn, or that Leora is begging for him to fuck her.    Hypocrite!    You can't have it both ways!

    So how many times must others have to endure you school yard mentality, or rather obnoxious high opinion of yourself, in lashing out at others like 'Chiller Aquarium'.

    I know that this will no doubt work you up into a lather,.. So my days work is done.

    Dude, are you going to follow me around for a while?

    First of all, I was not making an assumption, I stated a fact.  I listened to the conversation they had since I am fluent in Russian;  I was born in that godforsaken country. LOL I thought you were a retard, now I know you are.

    Secondly, are you an imbecile just like Paul? After all, it takes one to know one.....

    P.S. I agree with you, he is an imbecile, but not for the reasons you pointed out....

  3. You couldn't be more wrong about that.  They very much go hand in hand.  You can't be a complete moron in life and then somehow expect to show great displays of common sense in your judgments or actions.

    Unfortunately you are dead wrong. Some of the most intelligent people lack common sense because they over-apply their reasoning abilities and, as a result, get every day things wrong. Psychology 101 - every 18 year old college kid knows that.....

  4. Paul doesn't know how to fuck.If he did he'd be going the distance and not 3 minutes before returning back to the computer thinking he's some kind of Einstein. A pic of Einstein hard at work.

    This is how he always is, nothing new. And you are incorrect, he knows how to fuck and does it well, he cums every time. It is not his fault or problem that she is OK with a one way street, so to speak. More power to him.

  5. People can do what they want,.. But if it ever became a fad to stick your head in a cement mixer, I think my intelligence would rule that out for me.

    Once again you made an assumption that may or may not be true. BTW, I am assuming you meant to write common sense not intelligence, because the later has nothing to do with not sticking one's head in a cement mixer. Intelligence and common sense don't necessarily go hand in hand....

  6. If you live long enough, you will change your opinion of me.  I have always enjoyed the female body, and yes a good looking girl still intrigues me.

    But for what it's worth, I am not glued to the computer watching these couples, and thankfully, porn does not control my every waking moment or thought.

    I say this for the benefit of the others that might read your juvenile comment towards me, as I do not feel that I have to justify myself to you.

    No, you obviously don't have to. At the same time why would you think that you can and should teach others how to live their lives? 
  7. It's so strange to me.  Girls growing up in my time never would have defiled their bodies so with large ugly, and distracting tattoos.

    They grew up watching movies of women that displayed class and decorum.  So I blame a lot of this on our current so called Pop culture, and on weak boyfriends, that also have no class anymore.

    In my time, it was a great insult to call a girl a whore, or a tramp, but now they seem to like it.

    So, here are some sweet words to all you cum guzzling harlots out there,.. You are so much less than those that had preceded you, so much more like second hand clothing and broken down furniture.

    So I hope these words make you feel cheap somehow inside, and that you can now enjoy your new found identities.

    But in truth, it just makes me yearn for the good old days.

    Not that I do not agree with you, but look on it this way: You may want to blame yourself, a dirty old man, who sits in front of his computer looking at girls with ugly tattoos yearning for the good old days ....

  8. She is still lying there naked!! Cab he not see that sh clearly needs more stimulation.

    He needs to stop being a jerk and at least finnish her off!!!

    Just let me at her she will pack her bags right then and there! (not bragging it's just anyone must be better than him).

    I am sure you are a hunk with 100 girlfriends and a 13 inch dick, but somehow that retard Paul is fucking a nice girl while you masturbate to it. Now think who is better and who is worse :-)

    Now back to the topic: why would he finish her off if he gets off every time and gets away with it every time?

  9. seriously that guy needs to get off the hormones bitches worse than a woman needs some steriods become a man  i bet he sells her for sex looks like a pimp

    She did leave late last night and returned around noon.  One of the first things she did was wash her pussy at the bathroom sink.

    It sure makes me wonder why.

    Wake up dude, they all are prostitutes, some are more obvious than others.

  10. Pregnant ?



    No question about it in my mind.

    Good job.

    I don't think she's pregnant. She was drinking wine yesterday.

    That don't mean a thing.  Some people believe 1 glass of wine a day is ok when pregnant.  How many glasses did she have??  If more than one, then I agree with you.

    Russians drink all the time, pregnant or not has nothing to do with it.
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