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Posts posted by Crissy

  1. 36 Minuten vor, Thestarider sagte:

    Nun, Es Ist Eine gute Sache, ES ist nicht Freitag, 13. oder es wäre noch schlimmer der, :huh:oder ein Vollmond 

    Ihre Nachricht ist Witz und Rätsel. Was Sie sagen wollen ??? :biggrin: Tatsache ist, dass dieses Forum ist langweilig täglich mehr - aussehen: niemand ist interetet

    hier zu schreiben. 10 h, 20 h - niemand Antwort geben. Dieses Forum ist der Tod vor - nicht interessant für mich,  :biggrin:

  2. I'm new here in CC-forum - I've looked here some weeks ago - ok.

    Sorry, this CC-forum is very boring. Only 3 or 5 people dominate this forom and write nonsens.

    I don't need this primitive shit. Good and intelligent members - or Good bye.  With stupid i Don't want correspond !

    Babys who like only her smartphone i don't like.  :huh:

  3. 11 hours ago, anarcossauro said:

    Er sagt, dass das Programm Dezember stoppen. 20 und 17 im Januar wieder aufgenommen wird (ich glaube, schloss ich die Info und es erscheint für mich nicht mehr)

    Klicken Sie einfach in "Continuar" oder so ähnlich und die Info wird geschlossen.


    Aber wenn man über den Bildschirm ändern sprechen mit "Assine já", oder so ähnlich, Ihre freie Zeit war vorbei. öffnen Sie es einfach wieder im Inkognito-Modus jedes Mal passiert es. funktioniert bei mir...

    Thank you for information !! :shy:

  4. 1 hour ago, miscvoyeur said:

    Geck, engagieren ihn nicht. Er ist offensichtlich nie zu etwas intelligenter sagen. Er ist ein lächerlich kleiner Troll, der nur Aufmerksamkeit will. Setzen Sie ihn auf Ihrer Ignorieren-Liste und hoffen, dass die Mods ihm verbieten. 

    Boy - what you want to say here ??? Russian need knife and fork to eat ??

    What you want, baby ??  Give answer or stop stupid nonsens !!! miscv    :angry: 

  5. Who know russian meals ??? Interest "cooking" and eating here. Something they give in soup plate, hot water and eat with spoon.

    Often "powder", sometimes vergetables fry inthe pan - but always stew to eat by spoon. Knife and fork the people in this apartment

    don't need. All is "solyanka"-style ???

    Some years ago russian neighbors made with very much smoke in garden 3 times in week "shish kebab" - eating by hand.

    Knife and fork are in russian unknown ????? :biggrin:

  6. 9 hours ago, bubbleobillo said:

    Diese einst liebenden Beziehung ist langsam, aber sicher zu sterben weg ... von allen Konten, von dem, was wir hier sehen ..

    This couple is since 08/2014 in the rlc-apartment. 3 or 6 month ok - longer time is stress for the people and boring for rlc-members and visitors.

    I like Adriana - poor girl !! I think they are not married - so they spare stressed divorced. :angry: :biggrin:

    Adriana with new boy in this apartment ??? Macho Daniel were never interesting !!! Good bye, baby.

  7. 1 hour ago, spielo said:

    Jungs sind erforderlich und .... Wodka

    NO ! Lesbian don't need boys - perhaps DILDO. :biggrin:  

    After drink Vodka Russian are aggressiv and important things are going down - no sex is possible :angry:

    You remember chaos in VV ..... Good bye.  We don't need any "circus" with drunken monkeys. :biggrin:

  8. Nick is very weak and boring, poor Nick-boy. Now she are fucking with other man. He coud satified her ??? Nobody know it-

    Stay need strong lover to fuck her very long time, because this girl have great problems to get orgasmus.

    Nick is zero to it - now he is dissappointed. Not Stacy is the problem - Nick is it. He never interesting to Stacy after fucking.

    Only his shit-Smartphone is interesting for this stupid baby. The same like for all young people under 50 years today.

    Stop this shit in the apartments - only 30 minutes per day - the rest time give sozial activitys and not only sleep.

    Stacys new fucker give her orgasmus?? I don't know. Give her an good DILDO / RABBIT to masturbate herself - its

    pleasure for all viewers. Active Stacy don't need weak babies. :biggrin:  She work herself optimal - like we have seen some days before.

    Now the apartment is boring - go to sleep ! No money for this ........

  9. 52 minutes ago, moos54 said:

    falsch, die Wohnung ist gut wieder online, mit der Ausnahme, dass anstelle der Kamera in der Küche, die wir die Kamera des Raumes statt hatten, so hatten sie den Fehler zu korrigieren, schade, es war ziemlich interressant ^^

    Wrong moosy ! My info were correct absolutly ! "in the moment of VH-Info were NO picture". Now only 1 uninteresting camera open! :angry:

    The apartment is not full open now !  :biggrin: 2 hours later !

  10. 9 minutes ago, Voyeur House TV said:

    Dude, try to be understanding. These are real people. Family members arrived to Alex & Lina today, that's why they asked to disconnect them from VHTV for a daytime. Seriously, it's sad to see that some people treat voyeur participants as circus monkeys. Try to understand that they are not.

    Now A&L apartment is back online. Thanks for patience.

    Lie again - the site A&L is now in the moment NOT open !!! :biggrin:

  11. VH-TV is stupid shit :angry: :biggrin:

    Only 3 apartments for much money. :biggrin: LOL LOL  Now  is the only half-interesting apartment with LINA down . :angry: :angry:

    Only AA - mega-uninteresting and the chaos-apartment around the unsatisfied Stacy with her little weak Nick. :angry:

    VH-TV is death :biggrin:  Only Idiots pay one cent for this shit !!!  :biggrin: :biggrin:

    Not waiting ! Go to court and action about this VH-criminals. Not tomorrow - do it today !!! Before the money is outside.

    It's money to travel to Germany - and in Germany they are poor refugee and get much money for long time. Stupid Germany. :biggrin:

    Russian sites are lie, only. :angry:

  12. 2 minutes ago, moos54 said:

    I especially understand that you break your feet with everyone with your comments
    They need everything for everyone and the VH concept is loved by some people
    So come on, go play in your sandbox and leave the adults between them

    I would no longer answer your messages 

    Sorry - you don't understand not my reasons. Many people pay money for nothing and are to fig to

    fight back. This arm people I want to help - and VH give fire in a ......... ! OK ??? :biggrin: 

    I'm always sozial fighter for other weak people. Be not to hard with me !

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