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Posts posted by Cyber

  1. if you post pics here RLC makes them take them down. I say Camcaps should find the rlc owner and ban him from this site.

    ...and how would you suggest that this could be done?

    After all - you could well be the RLC owner for all we know.

    There are many ways...

    First of all, restrict alllllllllllll possible viewing of pics and videos to people that aren't registered.

    Make registrations cost 30$ or wtvr so that IF an account registers and it turns out to be the RLC admin and bans a certain account, his own registration would refund it and and allow access AGAIN to RLC, it will be a vicious cycle for the owner.

    Also, let's be fair, up until a certain point, there was no RLC mod here. I'm talking about the days where JOJO was the daily muze around here.

    I was always the silent type, but ffs we're on a voyeur forum, no shit lol.

    So i think that up to the time where the first ban of rlc was made (check forums stamps), i.e up to the first time the admin saw this site, those ppl should be "safe" of being veteran users.

    Just before and after the first "ban" to be made ( i remmeber there was a thread about it, not hard to dig up for the mods here), THOSE few ppl could be the admin.

    Look up for comments defending the admin, or the RLC channel, or that seem to know more than they should regarding where couples are, why cams are down etc... or that are too morally obligated to just enjoy a free show.

    So yeah. I think camcaps established a strong community so far, having that registration cost shouldnt hit it hard. and should give it some funding for webdesign since not all registrations would be from the admin.

    And as long as bans are still made, then the admin is still around. The moderator can look up ip addresses and compare if such address or area has been registered or banned before.etc...

    There are many ways that the moderator could keep an eye out...

    i mean to be fair, the admin on rlc did provide us with that service ,, he's getting paid and it's technically pirating, but ffs, not everyone can afford to pay for that service at all times especially since 99% of the of time, the houses are empty (in my timezone)...

    so yeah, I ALSO THINK that if the admin requests smthn to be taken off, i say to the mods to keep them but turn off visibility on them for veteran users (years ago ), and then when a couple LEAVES RLC, re enable visibility.

    I THINK we should be allowed to have access to an ARCHIVE of old couples that arent on rlc, since that wouldnt be hurting his business, but possibly helping it when ppl go "omg u remmeber those days? that couple? etc... i'll stick around with this boring couple, maybe one day they will be as gd, or replaced"...

    having diversity from the current 4-5 available by having old archived or retired couples should be visible...

    so just turn off visibility for those active couples if being called out by the admin, and make it only veterans view them and they can chose to pm the links to their non-veteran trustees at their own risk... until the couple retires.

    then make it public.

    my long 2 cents

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