They are going to send you to Siberia to spend some time with Pussy Riot. That's what you get for posting
to crappy upload site. There is always a price to pay for everything. Just be nice to Vlad Putin now. LOL.
the way it's going you wouuld be lucky to see sex once a year from them. So far it's been a week and
each of them only showered once. No wonder they don't want to touch each other. Can't blame them. Lol.
Watching Seinfeld episode about how he complained about his girlfriend being naked all the time around appartment and then turned on my computer and discovered Maya
cooking naked in the kitchen. Somehow I doubt I would ever complain. She can come over and cook naked for me any time she wants. Doesn't get much better than this.
As soon as Stefan went to the bathroom to take a shower, Alma masturbated and finally had orgasm. It was pretty hot to watch to say the least. She should do it more often.
It was very suspicious when they locked all the cams and it makes sense now since they don't want you to know there is nobody home all day long. What a joke!
I am afraid Igor is going to be much worse than Paul. I am not sure in the sex department yet but as far as the personality for sure. He woke up from his hangover and was trying to pick a fight with her by trying to pick apart every word she was saying to him. Hopefully he can at least make up for it in the bedroom. LOL.