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Posts posted by Spock

  1. Just now, phantomcapsnet said:

    why this guy is more "real" that the guy she was with 2 days ago ?

    I mean the two visitors who were there doing this strange dance show. They both spoke English and I don't think they knew the girls before. 

    Anyway, as soon as the got in real contact (just talking) they left this place very fast and just cam back short to take along pillows and drings. They did left almost as fast as the guy she had in the apartment today

  2. 4 minutes ago, Spoon said:

    Once again, it's not your opinion that people have an issue with. Get it? It's NOT your opinions that are the problem. It's how often you post them here. No one wants to hear someone repeat the same arguments over and over. Try it with your friends, tell them how you  dislike something (apple pie, an artist, a politician, your house, clothes, whatever. Just keep it the same.) 6-7 times a day for two weeks. Then come back and tell us how many friends you have left.

    You don't have to use every opportunity too "speak the truth" (which the rest of us see as complaining), we already know what you think. Reduce it to once in a while and take the free time to post positive things instead, of things you do like. If you feel you must post about "the truth" every time something happens you have serious problems. Hopefully you don't, so just skip posting once in a while.

    If you simply can't resist the urge, can you at least send mails to RLC instead of posting here? They are in control and can change things, no one here can change anything in the apartments.


    If there is space in this forum for every fake bate to be mentioned, there is also enough space to call them out as what they are.  

    We should really keep the topic of post in this thread related to events that happen in the barcelona apartments or opinions about it. If you have a problem with me, please feel free to write about it somewhere else. ... Thank you. :)

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  3. 7 minutes ago, Mauri said:


    are the shows you want to see and not the real life, if they do something that you do not like say is fake, the only thing that needs to close is your computer

    ..  I just would like if the residents would not keep their real life outside only. That do not mean that i say what they should do. ... Again. ... This is a very big difference. 

    9 minutes ago, Noldus said:

    This is Irina's bf #4 in two weeks ;)

    I guess, this guy is her real BF. I think we should not mix actors someone invited to this apartments to give a strange dance show (with dry humping event) and the real life.

  4. 14 minutes ago, Mauri said:


    why are you on RLC?

    ... i enjoy watching the apartments with people actually life at there places and not just give shows as the girls in barcelona. 

    Lets wait and see, maybe at least Irina and BF will get serious.

    Update: It will not happen. Just again a short run. They could not leave this place more fast. ... Just ridiculous.

  5. Just now, lucasfrench59 said:

    spock   very strange that all girls masturbates  in the shower now

    a request of   RLC  ?

    ... I guess, it all started with one girl ... The other have just noticed that some viewers actually took this fake bate for real, so they copied it. I guess, they want something that look spectacularly, but at the same time is also be easy to declare to friends as clearly faked. I suspect they are laughing at the gullibility in this forum. .... Anyway, This bates are just extremely ridiculous. Only people that really want them to be true, can not see this obvious fact.

    The main issue with the current cast is that they would never do something really private at this place. 

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  6. 1 minute ago, nagachilli2 said:

    Why don't you save yourself a bit of time and just copy and post your 1st one...then every time you post just use that one, then you won't have to repeat everything every time just worded it differently...:dodgy:

    No, it is important to always react to current events. If i would just copy/paste the same text, it would be nothing else as spam. ... I want to discuss the current state of this apartments and not spam this thread. 

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  7. 1 minute ago, Noldus said:

    This is my thread that was created to talk about what's happening in the apartments. Not what you think should happen You are free to make your own thread for your opinions. I'm tired of your repeated statements and will get you removed here if you continue now

    ... i only write about the barcelona apartments. ... unlike some others here ... and i stick to the rules ... unlike some others here. .... There is no reason to supress my opinion about this apartment.

    BTW, That you created a thread make you not be able to enforce any censorship. That would be the end of this forum.

  8. 23 minutes ago, DES7469 said:



    I have understood that some here cannot bear the truth, but i will continue to write about my opinion.

    You shouldn't take all this so seriously. ... This is just a thread in an forum about some girls in an apartment that should have been closed for months now. It is not worth to get argued about.

    I hope RLC find it way back to the idea of real life and stop to cast more and more of this lifeless show girls.

  9. Just now, Mauri said:


    in fact, I repeat, your concept of private life is wrong, who said they should have sex by force or be naked or masturbate, just because they have cameras in the house? making a puzzle is not real life? watching TV ? what you want to see here is just sex and masturbation or playing bare with each other. what is not real life, I do not think your life is always at home, but out of the house


    I do not say that they should be forced to have sex. I say that they should only be on the cast, if they agree to also show their private life on cam. That is a big difference.

    Every other resident (couple apartments, the other vecation apartment and even the girls in K&K&K) had sex on cam. Even a lot of guests. ... It is simply a part of real life that also the girls in barcelona have. The only difference is that they keep this part of their life outside. Not a good fit for a page like RLC. Therefore, it would be best to close this apartments and start with something more useful. I would like to see a 2nd roommate apartment, because the place of K&K&K really start to work good lately.

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  10. 7 hours ago, Mauri said:

    Not really, the site is voyeur, and if they have cameras at home, does not mean they have to be nude or masturbate or have sex every day, that's what you do not understand

    ... every day ... ? ... The girls did not had sex at the barcelona apartments for months and most of the girls masturbation is so obviously faked that it's almost offensive (consider the spectators as stupid). 

    What you should understand is that the barcelona apartments in their current state are nothing more than an empty shell. The girls keep their private lives out of the cameras' sight and fill the gap with strange activities (like dinner with blindfolded eyes or gogo dance events). You can say whatever you want, but you should also consider that voyeurism is also associated with sex. There is a reason why almost all apartments have only one camera in the kitchen but always at least two cameras in the bedroom. That there is no sex in barcelona apartments is simply not normal and is based solely on the fact that the girls do not really live there. They just give a show.

    It would be best to close this apartments and start with a different concept.

  11. 6 hours ago, DES7469 said:
    7 hours ago, Spock said:

    ... this girls do their work ... They do not have this shows for fun. ... they have fun wihen they are outside of this place. ... It is that simple.

    Prove it.

    It's obvious, isn't it? ... but ... Here we go ... let us have a good comparision: 

    When was the last time you had a dinner with blindfolded eyes, a mexican night (with costumes), three candlelight baths in one week in your apartment or an orgasm after just 25 seconds? All this just with only two or three other guys at your place? ... Never. (Everything else would be a lie.) .... So why have the girls all this strange events at this place? If you really think it is for the fun, you would be simply a very stupid or deluded person. All this evens are shows for the cams and no one would do this kind of show without an compensation. It is work. They do this teasing shows for the cams and not a bit real. 

    The next think would be to think about this girls sex life. Do you really think a girl like Lola do not had sex in the last 4-5 months? ... Of course she had sex and she is only one of seven girls currently "living" in the barcelona apartments. So. Why do we not see this happen in this place at least occasionally? ... Yes. ... We do not see this kind of event, because the keep this part of their life outsid only. Outside only is were all the real fun (not this stupid shows) take place. Again. It is extrem obvious.

    So. Lets face it. ... The Barcelona apartments in they current state are a big and useless lie. ... It is time to close this apartments and use the money for something real. Maybe a 2nd roommate apartment. I do not know. ... but ... It is time to kick out this girls that do not really participate to the idea of the project: "The private life of other people live 24/7". The last time we saw something private at this apartment is month ago and non of the girls of the current cast were implicated.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Spoon said:

    Imagine if everything Spock, Harley, Ed2 and others have said for the last two years is true. Every complaint about fake stuff and it not being real, all of it 100% true. Mind you, I don't believe it is, but lets imagine if it was. Since the streams are what they are now, nothing has really changed in two years, it would mean that everything they've been saying has had zero impact, in effect a complete waste of time. That's a lost of time they've spend on speaking "the truth" with absolutely no result. A sane person would stop and think about how he's spending his life a that point, if not sooner, and consider the possibility that he either wrong or simply wasting time.

    This is just a forum. I do not post here to change something. I just write about my opinion. Like we all do.

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