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Everything posted by SPYING 1

  1. Presentation Reveals Identities Of Maricopa County Elections Employees Who Deleted Files From Election Server | UAF Report UAFREPORT.COM We The People AZ Alliance hosted an election security forum in Maricopa County on Saturday. During the event, the audience heard...
  2. Abbott invites mayors of DC, New York to visit southern border THEHILL.COM Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) has invited New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) and Washington...
  3. Joe Biden Angered After DOZENS of Lawmakers Sign Letter Demanding Cognitive Test | UAF Report UAFREPORT.COM Fifty-three members of Congress in the United States have joined former White House physician Ronny Jackson in signing a letter in...
  4. Biden Admin Passes $280 Billion Bill After Taking Out It's Most Important Provision | UAF Report UAFREPORT.COM The CHIPS and Science Act was approved by the House of Representatives at the tail end of July. This legislation provided funds...
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