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Everything posted by SPYING 1

  1. .270 Win. vs. .30-06 โ€” Cartridge Clash - RifleShooter WWW.RIFLESHOOTERMAG.COM The .270 Win. vs. .30-06 Springfield cartridge clash rages on around campfires each fall...
  2. Nope you can use anyone you like but the instructions I gave you on where to click the mouse will be different
  3. Hi Frank, Find a picture ๐Ÿ“ธ you like in a website and right click the mouse ๐Ÿ left click mouse ๐Ÿ on copy image link on Mozilla on internet Explorer it's different, then you left click mouse ๐Ÿ on CC then you right click mouse ๐Ÿ and click on paste, then you left click mouse ๐Ÿ on submit reply ๐Ÿ˜‰
  4. Frank I sent you a message & it's telling me you can't receive messages
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