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Everything posted by SPYING 1

  1. Former Carl's Jr. CEO rips left's groupthink epidemic, says it has 'metastasized almost into a religion' WWW.FOXNEWS.COM Former Carl's Jr. CEO Andy Puzder critiqued leftist groupthink and the risks of ESG...
  2. Putin's war in Ukraine is backfiring in historic way WWW.NEWSWEEK.COM The war has been a "game changer," said one foreign affairs expert, and now even neutral...
  3. What’s next after NORAD shot down object in Canadian airspace? | Watch News Videos Online GLOBALNEWS.CA Watch What’s next after NORAD shot down object in Canadian airspace? Video...
  4. There’s a new inflation warning for consumers coming from the supply chain WWW.CNBC.COM Inflation has dropped rapidly, helping the Fed and economy, but there’s a sticky source in...
  5. 53% of student loan borrowers say their financial stability relies on debt forgiveness WWW.CNBC.COM The pandemic payment forbearance has helped student loan borrowers find their...
  6. SPYING 1

    HEALTH #2

    High sugar intake linked to elevated risk of heart disease and stroke, study finds WWW.NBCNEWS.COM New research suggests the more one's energy comes from sugar, the higher the risk of...
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