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Posts posted by Flaskbulle

  1. As we all are in grief over the effect of Russian legislation, I'll try to comfort you all with this little archive of some of my oldest vids of our Princess. And before anyone goes ranting, yes I know there are two vids of Maya in there, but I just thought its about time to revive this beauty too. At least she was, back in the days befor that tatoo...


    She is still the most beautiful woman on earth!

    • Like 16
  2. Since no one (or at least fewer) seems to enjoy the feeling of spreading happiness by sharing movies anymore, I feel I must do my part. of course I can understand people do not want to get banned from the site. A strange policy by RLC crew. It is because I have seen  clips here on camcaps I've got myself an account at RLC. Although I never would risk beeing blocked because of my recordings.

    Be quick...

    (Video Content No Longer Available)

    • Upvote 27
  3. In Sweden it's legal to record for personal use, no matter what the owner says. Here is a tax payed for private copying (we've got taxes for everything...), but sharing with others is not legal. Most countries respect DMA and other agreements. North Korea has no copyright agreement with rest of the world. So as it's legal to spread North Korean movies in our countries it's legal to host mostly anything in North Korea. The band width there suck though...

    • Upvote 1
  4. And every man on ther internet needs to think one more time. It's so easy to judge some one when your anonymous. That does not give you the privilege to be an asshole to others. theese tenants of RLC live under quite a bit of pressure from beeing watched 24/7. We certainly do not need to add loads of bull shit to their lives. So man up and behave!

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