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Posts posted by Scotsman

  1. A man and woman, who are both married to other people, find themselves forced to share a hotel room for a night. They feel weird at first, but they both fall asleep in their separate beds.

    After a few hours of sleeping, the man wakes the woman up and asks her, " Could you grab me another blanket from the closet? I'm really cold."

    The woman responds, " Or we could just pretend to be married for the night? "

    The man replies, " That would be amazing."

    The woman smiles and says, " Okay. Get your own fucking blanket! "

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  2. Do you know that when a woman wears a leather dress, a man's heart beats quicker, his throat gets dry, he gets weak at the knees, and he begins to think irrationally? Ever wonder why?

    It's because she smells like a new truck.

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