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Posts posted by dstern1230

  1. On ‎12‎/‎12‎/‎2017 at 7:55 PM, euromike69 said:

    You beat me to it lol,,,,,,,I feel good about my country again,,,thank you Alabama!!!!:heart::heart::biggrin::biggrin:


    A communist socialist E.U is going to be squeezed more by Trump, pay up your NATO dues, lazy bums.  Would not be in this position since we let U.N take charge, worthless.  We should have left Germany in France, fight your own fight.  Do not even fight ISIS, they now have taken over Harry Balls plot of dirt, The U.K ISIS Caliphate with millions of Syrians ready to strike blowing up a café killing tourists, U.K. on travel ban.  Harry Balls is such a dkhd.  Trump stay home, who gives a shit of his half crakerhead marriage, no wonder Obozo the clown likes to hang out with Mr. Balls, Obozo is half a crackerhead also soon to be sent with crooked Hillary for some water boarding and sharing a cell with a battlefield caught ISIS extremist to pay for her Susan Rice attempt at scandal coverup, you dem criminal felon traitors.  Goochy, Goochy, Goo.  Mullethaed turning to UraniumOne, day by day, dems going down, never represented the middle-class, only alt-lefist rapist: Louis C.K., Kevin Spacey, Mr. Morality Al Frankenstein who was toody froody wearing blue sweater on SNL Socialist Negro Liberals their morality is proven rape.  Hey there is a Harvey spooch stain on that blue sweater like  Bill's willy wag spooch on Monica's blue dress.  This is why democrat states are blue, raping spooch stains appear on blue clothing.  Moores's accuser doctored the yearbook with Gloria Allred representing FAKE NEWS victims of Harveywood, lying bitch accuser "I am coming out 40 years later to make an accusation," typical dems, approving BLM cop killiers terrorist org., slime swamp slug thug rapist molester murderers.  Illegal mexis have more rights that U.S. citizens, dems want open borders to bring meth, crack. black tar heroin, heroin, weed, fentanyl, and the dem's favorite MS-13.

  2. On ‎12‎/‎12‎/‎2017 at 7:55 PM, euromike69 said:

    You beat me to it lol,,,,,,,I feel good about my country again,,,thank you Alabama!!!!:heart::heart::biggrin::biggrin:


    This slug is just a puppet of dementia Pelosi and Schmuck.  Democrats have to pay their own passed state taxes,  liberal racists did it to themselves.  We got 3% growth, democrats think job growth comes with government and Harveywood where there nothing but FAKE NEWS victims continually have sex with Harvey to get roles make millions to give to Harvey to give to Obozo the clown when he flies into Harveyhood to collect Harvey's prostitution ring millions.  Obozo also is a child molester giving 17 yr. old Malia to Harvey for a 3 month sex internship.  Obozo, crooked Hillary, nga A.G. Holder, Rosenstein sell 20% uranium to UraniumOne a Russian, there is your collusion and Hillary laundered $140 million in the fucked up money laundering foundation.  Then Hillary uses a fucked up Brit loser spy for a fack dossier scammed in paying $12 million for, such an idiot Benghazi murderer.  Gross you see Harvey in pics hugging Bill probably grabbing his willy wag, Hillary and Obozo the clown, they must of had a 4 way with sweaty hairy Harvey.  Democraps have a second bill of rights for illegal Mexicans the Kate Steinle murderer by democrap jury lets him walk, such idiots, gets welfare and iphones for life.  Democrats keep flying into Harveywood to collect from his prostitution ring and thank god never have to hear FAKE NEWS moral B.S. from Al Fuckhead from Mondale deep blue Somolian terrorist state.  Jones looks like a drunk off the street.  Democrat party of rape (Harvey) molest (Obozo) Murder (Obozo and San Franaidshole letting the drugs and DACA Amnesty fraud killing Kate.  She is not home for holidays, but the illegal pig is.)

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  3. On 8/10/2017 at 11:09 AM, Maturin said:

    So, the leaders of all four players, US, NK, China and Russia have mental problems.  I don't think anyone would disagree with that.  What I find weird is how anyone could think that the US could possibly win a war by invading NK.  The US can't and doesn't win wars.  It hasn't since WW2.  After looking at the pathetic mess of Vietnam and Iraq, Afghanistan, no one in their right mind could contemplate that America could successfully invade NK - a country that has been on a war footing since it was set up after the mess of the Korean war.  If people are still fighting against you, then no matter what GW proclaimed about Iraq, you haven't won.

    What could the US possibly do? Shock and awe?  Yeah that worked brilliant in Iraq didn't it?

    Bomb them back to the stone age? Those fuckers are barely out of the pre-industrial age!  What's that going to achieve?

    NK has the biggest concentration of artillery on the entire planet and it's all aimed at Seoul.  Within minutes of Trump's fire and fury bullshit being enacted, NK would easily reduce the capital of South Korea to rubble - all of it gone, in minutes.  This is the reason why no one has ever tried to fuck with them.

    France cannot even win its terrorism B.S., letting the leader of one blast pass the border 5 times, duh? do we have picture and he has dark hair and a beard.  You keep having terrorist attack letting in those millions of innocent Syrians ready to strike like the radical islamic mayor nut job that says "evrything is ok" no more freedom following Sharia law run by Harry Balls, cannot find wife in U.K ISIS all chicks wear Burkas.  Now Barcelona boats come ashore from Africa of terrorist get out get free welfare, I guess they do not have a coast guard, der.  Pyscho Macaroni is trying to keep migrants out, will never happen, all terrorists are welcome cops do not go into terrorist neighborhoods.  E.U. on travel ban, please.

  4. Never got revenge from the 444 days of 53 Americans use Boeing new buster bunker bomb that will be our Nuclear inspection, Obozo the clown a terrorist lover like Hillary in Benghazi gives $ billions on pallets of cash, and calls off Hezbollah drug run, stock piling weapons for Israel and Hamas.  With Saudi Sunnis tension with Iran gives bombing revenge for also killing Marines in Afgan. and Iraq.  With Obozo. clock now says you can have Nuclear weapons with all the billion of dollars we gave you?   The clown responds "Der Der, great plan huh Susan Rice, keep it secret, say its due to video that Billions are given do Iran, which I have to apologize, just because I am a communists socialist alt-leftest slime swamp democrat and love illegal mexicans they have a 2nd bill of rights welfare for life and iphones.  Noticed Harry Balls went out of his U.K. ISIS Caliphate to find his squeeze, no freedom there in Brexit, Sharia law and explosive cafes, and the shrimpy radical islamic mayor "says everything is ok"  He'll say it as Markle lays dead at the cafe and Harry Balls with his hands always in his coat squeezing his boob or rubbing one out deciding what to do, all Brexit chicks wear Burkas, ugh.

    Trump time for the NOKO one more missle launched we be condsidered an act of war, we strike with tomahawks (if Pocahontas does not object) hit identified missile launchers then Seals pick up fat shrimpy rocketman take him to Gitmo to wash his face on a board then join bin laden, China fuck'in liers worthless shits, go for full trade war.  Thanks Obozo, for doing nothing and in early 1950's end at a stalemate nuke the fucks, fuck Russia an China U.N. "Im afraid', god.

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