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Everything posted by RonS

  1. Harassed Esmi to where she left the villa and went back home.
  2. I just realized why Esmi got so horny the night thor and Samson was there because them guys look like the guys that in the shows she's always watching see got really horny that night...
  3. Zaba left the villa i hope see don't stay a B1 because i think Esmi is still horny.
  4. I sure did like that one peace jumpsuit with the belt on her.
  5. You try getting naked and masturbating in front of a thousand in broad daylight. She will get there.
  6. I don't know what it is about this girl i can't keep my eyes off her if you look this morning see keep grinding uder her blue blanket nice.
  7. Has anyone noticed that she has a pretty good voice to. I'm a musicaian and has work with many female singer
  8. Trust me there's nothing lesbian about this gorgeous girl.
  9. Maybe Esmi getting them nails ready for tonight's bate hopefully.
  10. Your Sister has a rabbit now and she love it all the time when are you going to love yours//////////
  11. Esmi went to a film with someone male female i dont know and the boob thing was marlene was talking about her boobs and Esmi said she dont want.
  12. Probably cuz she was watching her sister act like she was mayby she has RLC on here phone.
  13. Y'all just don't no the half of it but im not getting into their personal live i know Esmi is going through a lot but she's a strong girl.I hope thing get better for her with her family...
  14. She has not been happy since she got there she doing what makes everybody else happy.
  15. Esmi and friend at villa looks like to stay the night?
  16. I See we found Zabava the milk carton must of worked.LOL
  17. They need to put Zabava there to in the other room. Where she can be closer to town.
  18. I think i no why now Esmi is hesitating to do anything because she know Zaba got a key and she knows she's at Kristy And could walk in.
  19. I think see was looking for some decent porn couldn't fine any on her tablet .See doesn't strike me for sum one that goes for porn... maybe soft porn!
  20. I think it's another sibling that she's trying to find a place for you forget that all the families was uprooted from their homes.
  21. Trust me it's not just her mom it's her whole family pay this pay that. Then we have Zaba! Esmi this girl is amazing girl with the sexy smile i've ever seen.
  22. In Karol room now.. Before they change rooms.
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