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  1. I'm fine with Karma not bating as long as Sara does it for her 😄
  2. Downfall? She's clearly loving what she's getting 🤣 If she wanted I'm sure she could bring girls home as well.(which would be more my taste)
  3. Guess Ulyana found a sugar daddy! Good luck to her!
  4. Things like this are part of the reason Bogdan and Nelly are close to everything in Barcelona, seems like every person has to be checked by them before joining the project. I'm not 100% sure but did B/N become full time caretakers after the Gina/curley cunt fight?
  5. Wonder how many people they fucked at the Mc donalds drive through? 🤣
  6. A lot of people seem obsessed with big/fake boobs, it might a site full of fake shows etc but at least it's not a site full of fake boobs. Plenty of webcam sites out there with the big boob filter for you to drool over.
  7. When did Tani have sex with Radi?(Radislava?) I need to see this!
  8. Yeah that's no beer belly, if it is my god it's a sad sight.
  9. I really wonder if ANYONE on rlc is usefull? It's pretty clear that relationships work better off cam to start with.
  10. As well as Gloria and Nelly stopping drinking I really think stopping RLC would be best for them as they can't handle either.
  11. My guess is that kiss probably helped slow her down more than anything. Imagine if he said no? Could you do that and face the results? Time to stop white knighting and be realistic.
  12. Fair play to Ant for taking action and trying to slow down what was on it's way to be disaster! She'll probably snap and start falling out with him at any point but that's life.
  13. This forum are hating her for sure but I'm talking about the people in the building that she has already gotten aggressive towards after they tried to help her. How would you get her to stop this rampage of drinking?
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