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Posts posted by britmatt1

  1. On 8/4/2019 at 12:10 AM, miscvoyeur said:

    Despite everything else going in the other apartments, Darcie still remains my #1 right next to Courtney. Having said all that, Darcie and Stif really shot themselves in the foot having their fallout with Sergio/Melissa and Henry/Mira. Especially with Sergio/Melissa and all their friends, they're whole camp blew up in popularity and seeing Darcie/Sitfler involved with all of them would have great in my opinion.

    They have been on this site entirely way too long without any sort of advancement in terms of sexual exploration and adventure. Even Melissa after 8 months decided to fuck another guy. Meanwhile Darcie/Stifler have been on this site for a year and a half and are doing the same thing. That in itself is bad enough but what makes it even worse for them is their sex nowadays is nowhere near as good as it used to be when they first started. Stifler and Darcie used to go it like animals back in the day and hands down had THE best sex out of any every single couple on VH, past or present. Nowadays, Stifler is lucky if he can last 10 minutes and then ruins what little sex they do have by dropping his loads on the goddamn floor. I was hoping with them bringing in so many new faces recently that maybe Darcie would finally entertain the idea of trying out new guys but just like I said about Lisa, they fall right back into the same tropes and routines. Out of any couple on VH, I want them to succeed above everybody else but I've lost faith that they'll ever change. I still really want to see Darcie getting the absolute shit fucked out of her but I know it's never going to happen at this point.

    Did Melissa actually have sex with another guy yet?

  2. 2 hours ago, letsdothis said:

    Amanda & Pablo, Leona - Videos (2018)

    Every apartment has one just like this one. The above link will take
    you to the last page in the topic. Click below and you'll see how to
    find the video topic for this apartment.

    Amanda & Pablo, Leona (09/04/17)

    These two links will give you two different views of basically the
    same thing. All the apts on one page.

    Condensed View

    Full view

    Hope this is helpful.

    Thank you!

    • Like 1
  3. On 11/6/2018 at 1:35 PM, miscvoyeur said:

    Of course she didn't. People on this board literally do nothing but talk about Kenny so of course they're going to find any and every excuse to continue to shit talk him, even if that means making stuff up that have no clue about. Amanda stayed in the bedroom long after Kenny and Kim left and continued jerking Pablo off. You would think that would be a big enough clue to let any sane person know that she had no problems being there. But lets go with the "making deals" theory instead, as if Amanda has zero agency or say over what she does, who she does it with and where she does it. The shit is all ridiculous.

    As much crap as I've talked about Amanda and Pablo, even I have to eat my own words a little and admit that the attempted group session was nice. Maybe other things like swapping would have happened if Kenny was able to perform or maybe not but at least this was progress on Amanda/Pablo's part and I do commend them for that. But all this obsessive Kenny hate is just ridiculous and sad.

    Just think if it all had been said about one of the beloved ones. Say Pete for instance, all sorts of reporting would be going on...just a thought...

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