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Posts posted by medeo

  1. 6 minutes ago, miscvoyeur said:

    I understand that the neighbors from the other place had issues with their parties which is why they had to move, but honestly the switch was just god fucking awful. Monica and Dan are an absolute snorefest and they get the big place that will just go to waste with them there. Meanwhile J/P are the ones with all the friends, have no problem sneaking off to fuck in the bathroom, are fucking different people and they get the shitty small apartment that they can't do anything with. Their parties, as inconsistent as they were, were their biggest draw because nobody else on VH throws parties like them. Now that's basically taken away. Like you said, it won't work here.

    I'm not sure how close Juliet/Pablo are. Ruby said they were friends but didn't say how close (maybe I'll ask her). But if I could be in control of the living arrangements, I'd move Pablo in with Zack and Blonde and give them the big place, move Ruby and Calvin in with Juliet and give them the old Misty/Lisa place, and move Monica and Dan into Ana's old place. Pablo could take advantage of all the different girls Zack and Blonde bring in, Ruby could maybe find some guys for Juliet, and Monica/Dan can be just as boring as they're going to be.

    Excellent Idea.

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  2. 20 minutes ago, letsdothis said:

    The circle just keeps spinning and it still says 0% after hours of letting
    it download. I think it's mab. I'm having the same problem with another
    mab link posted by a different user. Although it might not be because
    other mab links are working. Strange.

    Definitely MAB.Same issue here with one of my links.

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