I am for RLC a Firefox user with flash and is working most of the time as I am expected that it works. What can be that you are opening more progs at the same time, and due to timeslicing each program is allocated less time, so try to close so much windows as possible, and look at the result.
If this blurring is already since long, then it was only on the underside.
Now the different camera's in the open appartment show their own preview , and that was not there 2 weeks ago. The same date that the freezing problems came up.
Possibly sollution could be to change the order of things, show first the main window, and then only 2-3 seconds later the preview of the secondary camera's
Problem is with RLC since there is a new software used. The new feature that shows the blurred preview of the room is the cause. It takes so much resources that the result is waiting and waiting and waiting........