Ozi Posted October 9, 2014 Posted October 9, 2014 WTF indeed mate. That Merkel says some ethnic minorities have not integrated well is an issue that she and the German government are tackling - in this limited speech that you are insisting on arguing over she even highlighst one of the methods which is education. That is a long way from your imagined hordes of Immortals breaking down the doors of the Reichstag and poor German people fighting for their way of life. This hasn't gone well for you either so tee up your next soundbite or fascist media spin job and I'll shoot that one down too. The fact is you're a tool, an unpaid and unrecognised mouthpiece for a system that doesn't work. That system needs continual war to keep the people who own that system rich and in power. They need support of blinkered people like yourself to back them or they'll run the risk revolution in their own power base. They use the media to do this, you are controlled. There is a better way, I'm not going to tell you what that is, find out for yourself. You won't find it on a website about consenting voyeurism. Don’t divulge anything. The UN Security Council employs private advisors and would pay millions, literally millions for a solution to crisis in the Middle East and those in the rest of the world. For a fee, say a third, I’ll work as your manager. You need to do it in stages. First of all just give them a run-down of the number of improvements and outcomes, but don’t give away the strategy. Next, a small teaser, bit of a sample to prove you can do it. We won't worry about Europe or the USA at the moment, lets just concentrate on the Middle East. Maybe fix the Israeli / Palestinian crisis. What do you think? Once you’ve got their attention, time to negotiate a contract. That’s where I come in. I reckon a 7, no at least an 8 figure salary. Then we have to work out a fixed period of employment. I reckon a year to get all the resources together and another year to draft the package. Then there’s the implementation stage, but I’m not sure about this so I’ll need some direction from you. I was thinking 750 – 800 years. I know, how about we just round it off at 1,000 years that should be enough. What do you think? By the way, I’d like my share up front.
Aubrey Posted October 9, 2014 Posted October 9, 2014 I'll be your manager tho, how about that. How well do you make coffee? The UN spends billions on everything, they do some wonderful work with UNICEF however when it comes to matters of security and economy it is powerless, as the chief war makers are Britain, France, the USA and Russia, as has been seen time and again. 4 of the 5 veto nations. Why are these the chief war makers? You should know this, why don't you tell me - we might not be reading from the same page but I think we're in the same library.
Ozi Posted October 9, 2014 Posted October 9, 2014 I'll be your manager tho, how about that. How well do you make coffee? The UN spends billions on everything, they do some wonderful work with UNICEF however when it comes to matters of security and economy it is powerless, as the chief war makers are Britain, France, the USA and Russia, as has been seen time and again. 4 of the 5 veto nations. Why are these the chief war makers? You should know this, why don't you tell me - we might not be reading from the same page but I think we're in the same library. An analysis done last year of Office for National Statistics (ONS) figures by Migrationwatch-linked expert David Coleman, Professor of Demography at Oxford University, showed that the Muslim population in Britain was multiplying 10 times faster than the rest of society. According to Professor Coleman, the increase was directly attributable to immigration and a higher birth rate. “The implications are very substantial,” Professor Coleman said. “Some of the Muslim population, by no means all of them, are the least socially and economically integrated of any in the United Kingdom ... and the one most associated with political dissatisfaction.” This figure ties in well with earlier ONS projections which showed that the ethnic population of Britain as a whole was growing 15 times faster than the indigenous British population. ONS data showed that the number of people from “minority ethnic groups” grew by 15 percent compared to 1 percent for white people. Other figures have suggested that there will be more Muslims in Britain’s mosques on Fridays than Anglicans in church on Sundays within 10 years. Nowhere is this better illustrated than in the Diocese of Bradford which covers the city, the western quarter of North Yorkshire and parts of East Lancashire, South-East Cumbria and Leeds. According to official attendance figures, ‘usual’ Sunday churchgoing across the diocese’s 147 parishes fell from 13,500 in 2000 to 8,700 in 2008. There are now more than 20,000 regular Muslim worshippers in the town which has an astonishing 80 mosques. The figures make it clear that simply halting Third World immigration will not be enough to save Britain and preserve its unique identity and culture, but that the immigration tsunami will have to be reversed as well. So now that we know you are an expert on the crisis in the Middle East, know more about Germany than the German Chancellor, it's obvious that you will be a total whizz when it comes to the UK. Now I know this article makes use of the data to explain an issue with the church, but the facts are the facts. So to make it easier for you to rubbish this data as well, because you obviously know better, here are brief profiles of the two key sources of the information. David Coleman (born 1946) has been the Professor of Demography at the Department of Social Policy and Intervention, University of Oxford since October 2002, and a lecturer since 1980. He is currently based in the respected Department for Social Policy and Intervention. Between 1985 and 1987 he worked for the British Government, as the Special Adviser to the Home Secretary, and then to the Ministers of Housing and of the Environment. He is a fellow of St John's College, Oxford. He has published over 90 papers and eight books and was the joint editor of the European Journal of Population from 1992 to 2000. In 1997 he was elected to the Council of the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population. He is also an advisor to Migration Watch UK which he helped to found, and is a member of the Galton Institute, formerly known as the Eugenics Society. In 2013, Coleman's analysis said that White British people would be a minority in the UK by 2070 if current immigration trends continued. The Office for National Statistics is the UK’s largest independent producer of official statistics and the recognised national statistical institute of the UK. It is responsible for collecting and publishing statistics related to the economy, population and society at national, regional and local levels. It plays a leading role in national and international good practice in the production of official statistics. How does your resume stand up against Professor Coleman. I mean, you do claim to be an expert in all his fields of speciality. Mate, we can't be in the same library because you are not even on the same planet. You can't be, unless you are totally blind. Old English expression comes to mind: You are a complete tosser. ( I like the urban dictionary version, Useless, pathetic, incapable of doing anything right.)
Aubrey Posted October 9, 2014 Posted October 9, 2014 Wrong again. David Coleman has been held to account by his own students at Oxford for his extemist views. He is the founder of anti-immigration group Migration Watch, and a member of the Galton Institue, that advocates Eugenics (in a very similar manner to the Nazi model). Right wing fascist groups like the BNP loved his papers as his figures gave them more grist for their pernicious mill of division. I notice that you too love his figures, but that connection is very clear. You are so shortsighted it's not funny. Where do immigrants come from and how could we stop them wanting to come here? By stopping bombing them out of home and livelihood for a start. We have immigration because we have made it such that people can no longer live in their countries any more. This guy's figures show that if we carry on ruining people's countries then they will continue to come to ours, yet fucks like you want to carry on doing this. You really don't know your arse from your elbow and use as your authority a guy whose own students turned against him and who supports the enforcement of selective breeding programs. Poor, very poor indeed. Next... p.s. You keep supposing to lecture me on what is going on in Europe and my own country (from the other side of the world) in the hope that I don't know the truth, this is not working for you but please, do carry on.
Guest BJon Posted October 9, 2014 Posted October 9, 2014 Yes what I'm about to say is middle school behavior but it deserves saying. The best part of you ran down the crack of your mothers arse.
Ozi Posted October 9, 2014 Posted October 9, 2014 Wrong again. David Coleman has been held to account by his own students at Oxford for his extemist views. He is the founder of anti-immigration group Migration Watch, and a member of the Galton Institue, that advocates Eugenics (in a very similar manner to the Nazi model). Right wing fascist groups like the BNP loved his papers as his figures gave them more grist for their pernicious mill of division. I notice that you too love his figures, but that connection is very clear. You are so shortsighted it's not funny. Where do immigrants come from and how could we stop them wanting to come here? By stopping bombing them out of home and livelihood for a start. We have immigration because we have made it such that people can no longer live in their countries any more. This guy's figures show that if we carry on ruining people's countries then they will continue to come to ours, yet fucks like you want to carry on doing this. You really don't know your arse from your elbow and use as your authority a guy whose own students turned against him and who supports the enforcement of selective breeding programs. Poor, very poor indeed. Next... p.s. You keep supposing to lecture me on what is going on in Europe and my own country (from the other side of the world) in the hope that I don't know the truth, this is not working for you but please, do carry on. And? The stats are still the stats. Doesn't matter who uses them, they still show you poor white boys are in decline. By the way, remember the German issue with Turks and muslims was about the migrants that came to help them rebuild in the 60s after we bombed the crap out of Germany, not the middle east or Turkey. As I said, tosser.
Aubrey Posted October 9, 2014 Posted October 9, 2014 The stats are still the stats, did you not read the bit about the stopping of levelling their countries to stem the flow? You did but it didn't register as it doesn't support what you've been conditioned to think. It's safe to say that you have shown yourself to be a moron in this debate, that you need to go onto a website to find a novel way to insult me in my own dialect shows the level of your English skills. Your Affectionately, T. Osser
Ozi Posted October 9, 2014 Posted October 9, 2014 The stats are still the stats, did you not read the bit about the stopping of levelling their countries to stem the flow? You did but it didn't register as it doesn't support what you've been conditioned to think. It's safe to say that you have shown yourself to be a moron in this debate, that you need to go onto a website to fins a novel way to insult me in my own dialect shows the level of your English skills. Your Affectionately, T. Osser Got a British passport old mate, and an Aussie one, dual citizen, born in the UK, choose to live in Australia. Why, get away from tossers like you fucking up the country and you are obviously doing a good job of it. Gave you the benefit of the doubt, checked out David Coleman, just in case I had missed something in this far off land. Coleman was challenged by a handful of radical students who managed to drag out his support of eugenics. So what? That was in 2007 and hardly made a ripple, no wonder I missed it. Didn't exactly destroy his career. And eugenics, or similar principles, maybe the only thing that will save the world from the eventual population explosion. Check out what the Galton Institute is doing, more fucking good than your radical students I bet. No I didn't miss the bit about stopping the bombing of these countries to stop the flow of migrants because that isn't happening and isn't the cause, unless you are blaming the selective bombing being used to stop ISIS? I did reference the bombing of Germany in WWII that is the cause of Germany's muslim problem, did you miss that or is that not an issue in your educated experience? Can you be a huge tosser or is complete tosser as much as you can achieve?
Aubrey Posted October 9, 2014 Posted October 9, 2014 You've lost it mate. It happened in 2007, so what? Yeah, so what. People are not claiming asylum because of the bombing of their countries as well as the failure of puppet governments set up by the West??? Full retard has been achieved many times on this forum Linked by this individual and the usual suspects, not seen you get there though, be my guest. I think we can just leave that there, you got nothing at all Ozi. I'm off to get ready to go to Berlin now, I must remember to bring my Koran so i can fit in with German culture eh?
KarenKraft Posted October 9, 2014 Posted October 9, 2014 Before I hit the sack after another long day I just want to re-ask my question I posed to Aubrey. Rather than berate others for expressing their views (extreme or otherwise) over how to eliminate the IS and Islamic threat to the world could you tell the assembled forum how you would solve the problem. Rather than 'War War' I assume you want 'Jaw Jaw'? If full on military action is not the answer what is? Who would you like to go and reason with? Why do you think they would listen? Would they suddenly agree that they have been wrong for centuries and that Islam is not the 'one and only' real religion? Come Aubrey use your intellect and tell us how to solve the crisis? I'm off to bed now so perhaps in the morning I can turn on my PC and have the answer to the worlds greatest problem. Goodnight and may my Christian peace loving God bless you all. Good post, Van, but I'm afraid it's pearls before swine. And don't forget, you and I are the same person for hersey-packer Audrey. A pure waste of time. Partly in answer to your question, but more importantly as a way for us to watch Audrey wet her pants, here's an idea: The next time the Muslims launch a major (like a 9-11-2001 type) attack on the American homeland, what if every patriotic American took out as many local Muslims as they could? Would that cause even more strikes against the homeland? Perhaps. But using that method, pretty soon no more Muslims. Right, Audrey? Now I'm gutted Karen, I thought you and I were the same person, not Woody. Now I just feel totally abandoned and rejected, only half the man I used to be. But I know you guys will make a good team, so it's not all bad. So.... that means you believe in Yesterday.... suddenly?
Ozi Posted October 10, 2014 Posted October 10, 2014 Before I hit the sack after another long day I just want to re-ask my question I posed to Aubrey. Rather than berate others for expressing their views (extreme or otherwise) over how to eliminate the IS and Islamic threat to the world could you tell the assembled forum how you would solve the problem. Rather than 'War War' I assume you want 'Jaw Jaw'? If full on military action is not the answer what is? Who would you like to go and reason with? Why do you think they would listen? Would they suddenly agree that they have been wrong for centuries and that Islam is not the 'one and only' real religion? Come Aubrey use your intellect and tell us how to solve the crisis? I'm off to bed now so perhaps in the morning I can turn on my PC and have the answer to the worlds greatest problem. Goodnight and may my Christian peace loving God bless you all. Good post, Van, but I'm afraid it's pearls before swine. And don't forget, you and I are the same person for hersey-packer Audrey. A pure waste of time. Partly in answer to your question, but more importantly as a way for us to watch Audrey wet her pants, here's an idea: The next time the Muslims launch a major (like a 9-11-2001 type) attack on the American homeland, what if every patriotic American took out as many local Muslims as they could? Would that cause even more strikes against the homeland? Perhaps. But using that method, pretty soon no more Muslims. Right, Audrey? Now I'm gutted Karen, I thought you and I were the same person, not Woody. Now I just feel totally abandoned and rejected, only half the man I used to be. But I know you guys will make a good team, so it's not all bad. So.... that means you believe in Yesterday.... suddenly? Yep...but my troubles never seemed far away.
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