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Well, that's an improvement...

it doesn't mean that she only showers in this apartment, I wouldn't assume things that we don't know about their outside life

Did I strike a nerve? You shouldn't assume that she DOES shower somewhere else....

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Guest noralover


Thanks for these. I was recording a video of it, but unfortunately messed up and managed to erase the video. Apologies, folks...

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Guest 862286

Nora is one of those girls that could cause a guy to walk into a post because he was watching her instead of watching where he was going.  :-[

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Guest noralover

Nora is one of those girls that could cause a guy to walk into a post because he was watching her instead of watching where he was going.  :-[

Ouch!....who put that lampost there!

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Nora is one of those girls that could cause a guy to walk into a post because he was watching her instead of watching where he was going.  :-[

Ouch!....who put that lampost there!

did u bang ur head or something else...?  :o

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