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Sofia knows about Roman cheating

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You want proof, why not start with common sense?

They know they are being filmed, they know it's on the internet, they have access to internet, how could they NOT find this site?

Common sense tells me not to assume anything.  I would agree that it is "possible" that they know it's on the internet, but again there is no proof that they do (none that I have seen so far).  But, it is also "possible" that even knowing that they are being shown on the internet that they do NOT know about this site anymore than they do know.  We don't even know what type of agreement that RLC has with these couples.

With that being said, no one knows nothing for sure, except what can be seen. That's not common sense that's just sense.

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I agree we really do not know what they do or don't know about this site or what the cams do.  But we do know that Angela found this site and posted here after a very short time in the apartment so something tells me if she can do it others can as well. 

I have also observed her talking on the phone and looking at the camera and she appeared to be smiling and blushing.  Maybe talking to one of the RLC people??? 

Anyway most of these people seem somewhat tech savvy so I would guess they know what happens with the cams and who can see them.  Even if RLC is blocked in Russia they can still see sites about them as well as videos on many sites that can't all b blocked.  This site apparently wasn't.

We do know she had to stop posting and remove her account.

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If they know what cams are free then he did not try to hide the sex at all or cared who did or did not see. 

They would have to know what the cams are for and that they are on the internet

Maybe she does know and does not care.  Couples seems to stay together for

the strangest reason.  Take my x and me she stayed with me because then I was

making good money and I stayed with her because the sex was good but we fell

out of love a long time ago.

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I agree we really do not know what they do or don't know about this site or what the cams do.  But we do know that Angela found this site and posted here after a very short time in the apartment so something tells me if she can do it others can as well. 

I have also observed her talking on the phone and looking at the camera and she appeared to be smiling and blushing.  Maybe talking to one of the RLC people??? 

Anyway most of these people seem somewhat tech savvy so I would guess they know what happens with the cams and who can see them.  Even if RLC is blocked in Russia they can still see sites about them as well as videos on many sites that can't all b blocked.  This site apparently wasn't.

We do know she had to stop posting and remove her account.

With regards to Angela, she is one of the few who played to the camera, breaking the 4th wall (for those who don't know what the 4th wall is, think of watching a movie and the characters in the movie turning to the camera and addressing the audience in someway through expressions, gestures, or words).  And, I thought she was interesting to watch, because I never knew what kind of shit she was going to get into next.  I miss that girl.  But, I wouldn't "assume" that because she was smiling and looking into the camera that she was talking to any of the RLC people.  No proof in that.  Although, I find the idea kind of nice to think about...that any of us could actually have some type of relationship/friendship with them.  Who knows? Maybe RLC would work better if there was some type of interaction between us and them.  Anyhow, I wish someone could find the pic of Angela's laptop showing the CC Boards.  I'll definitely look around for it myself.  And, it's not that I don't believe anyone who has seen it before, I actually have some faith that this is true because so many others have mentioned this before on here and on another fan board.

Now, as far as any of the couples being tech savvy, I wouldn't give any of them that much credit.  Their generation was born into a world of technology where many of the things they do are more or less basic knowledge.  Someone in their 70's, who thought that computers were just going to be a fad, would think anyone who could start a computer is tech savvy.  The people I consider tech savvy in the venue of RLC would be the people working at RLC (I base it on their success of creating the site and adding difficult watermarks that are giving people pause in posting videos these days) and the ones who have time and again found creative ways to record, show multiple cams simultaneously, and are knowledgeable in understanding how all this shit works.  You know those guys when you read their posts and replies.  They teach us these things.  But, being able to navigate your way around the internet is not considered tech savvy in my opinion, and I haven't seen any of the couples on RLC exhibit any knowledge higher than playing media, writing papers, and other common activities of entertainment. Of course, this is not to say that none of them are tech savvy.  A lot of the times, the screens of their laptops, tablets, and phones are turned away or too bright to read at times.  And, please, no one say that Ruslan is tech savvy.  I watched that dude trying to crunch numbers on paper one night and he was obviously struggling with the math...becoming tired and frustrated.  Someone should have told him that he has a calculator on his laptop.

So, once again, I will say that it is "possible" that they know that the cameras are for a website, and I will agree that it is "possible" for them to find out about the fan message boards, but this is not any proof to justify an assumption that they in fact do know and/or communicate with any of the members. How do we really know that she had to stop posting and remove her account? Please explain.  I'm fairly new to this board and have missed out on a lot.  Please educate me...with facts...not assumptions.

For me, it's just a sad sight to see when assumptions start to become belief.

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Too bad there is no video.  :-\

Thank you for posting.  I have a friend I can contact and maybe he can use whatever program he uses to find any alterations or mutilations in the photo.  But, I have faith that it is real.  Angela was one participant that was more in tuned and "aware"  to the cameras than any of the other couples since I became an official member in late April/early May.

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