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Has something changed?

Guest observer1

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Guest observer1

A few raised voices yesterday evening (and again this morning - not unusual in this apartment, I know) followed a day in which Paul was hunched over his computer for almost 12 hours (not that I was looking that long, of course but he never seemed to move from it).  Leora now appears to leave the flat early, indicating she might at last have a job.

This follows quite a while in which Paul's priorities have seemed to have been, in order of importance:-

1) Computer (or at least at the computer desk with a soldering iron)

2) Dog

3) TV

4) Leora

5) Doing housework (under pressure from Leora)

I'm a big defender of Paul who is a good man that I think gets a bad press from those on here who know little or nothing about sex and relationships but his computer does now appear to have become an unhealthy obsession, with Leora a long way down the list for his attention. Perhaps more importantly and surprisingly, Leora is not giving him much attention and affection either.

To my eyes, something has changed here, and not for the better. 

I'm pleased that Leora appears to have something else in her life - she needs it now more than ever.

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She leaves the house early to go to work and when she gets back shes tired. I don't blame her.

The voice raising may come from some irritation as the fact shes tired. But they still seem to be happy with one an other.

Paul has not much to do it looks like, so he's spending most of his time on his computer.

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I think your observations are spot on. Leora doesn't seem to want to have much physical contact with Paul anymore. Paul still follows her around like a little lap dog but she seems much more assertive in ignoring his advances! I never know why. Rather than waste hours fighting him off she might as well lay back and think of Mother Russia for 3 minutes and then go to sleep!

I like Paul but unless he is managing to earn a living at home via his computer then he a bigger loser than I thought!

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Guest bountykillas

If only Paul could leave the house for like two weeks and leora was home alone ass naked playing with herself and invite some of her sexy ass girlfriends over,  lol I know guys it's all just wishfull thinking..Movado 8)

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It's no fun watching these guys without Leora in the picture. I don't know if she has a job, or is having a affair...or both! I wouldn't blame her if she was having an affair, as neanderthal boy (Paul) is very difficult to have to watch. I try and ignore him, but his constant scalp picking, nose picking, foot picking and then nail chewing (all at the same time...ewwwwww!) is hard to ignore. He eats like a pig, does nothing to help her around the house, and then can't do what the rest of us would do if she was walking around OUR apartment...you know, making love to her as much as humanly possible! What a loser. Yes, she is vain, or at least stuck on looking at herself in the mirror...but I could work with that!!  ;)

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That's hilarious because when he actually does try to be affectionate with her everyone starts nagging about how he is always on ]her and never leaves her alone. Haha Paul could save a child from drowning and you guys would find a problem with that. This whole" We hate Paul because we are jealous of him" thing got old fast.

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[quote author=showtime4me link=topic=3874.msg70665#msg70665 date=140807731and then can't do what the rest of us would do if she was walking around OUR apartment...you know, making love to her as much as humanly possible! What a loser.

That's hilarious because when he actually does try to be affectionate with her everyone starts nagging about how he is always on her and never leaves her alone. Haha Paul could save a child from drowning and you guys would find a problem with that. This whole" We hate Paul because we are jealous of him" thing got old fast.

Real fast. That was a first time poster.

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That's hilarious because when he actually does try to be affectionate with her everyone starts nagging about how he is always on ]her and never leaves her alone. Haha Paul could save a child from drowning and you guys would find a problem with that. This whole" We hate Paul because we are jealous of him" thing got old fast.


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If only Paul could leave the house for like two weeks and leora was home alone ass naked playing with herself and invite some of her sexy ass girlfriends over,  lol I know guys it's all just wishfull thinking..Movado 8)

Man, that would be great. She has so much potential, I'd love to see her home alone for a day or two. He won't let her out of his sight though.

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The only way Paul saves a child from drowning, is if the kid is eating a banana. (Hint, he's after THE BANANA!) I mean have all the defenders of Paul, actually watched him? He has similar behavior that you see in a ape, albeit a great ape. I'll give him that much! And I'm not being mean and just making stuff up. The way he constantly scratches and picks his scalp and other body parts, looking at what he's "picked" and then flicking it off. There must be a PILE of dandruff, buggers, toe jam, and fingernail bits and other DNA around the places he parks his ass,  for hours. The computer desk mainly! I'm sure that his favorite fantasy involves having Leora pick his scalp and body for him...a well known simian behavior pattern. So I guess anyone who speaks such truth about him is doing so out of jealousy? Maybe. She is sexy, and most guys would love to have a shot at her! But to be honest, being perplexed outweighs the jealousy. How DOES a guy like Paul even get a girl as hot as Leora, much less keep her over time!! And one more thing from "this was his first post guy", like that makes any difference. I am NOT putting him down for trying to have sex with Leora. In fact, I wish he was MORE successful in this regard. Those two actually having a robust sex life would be WAY more interesting than watching Paul on the computer. I can go to the zoo and the watch similar activity for way less than 29.95 a month!!!

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The only way Paul saves a child from drowning, is if the kid is eating a banana. (Hint, he's after THE BANANA!) I mean have all the defenders of Paul, actually watched him? He has similar behavior that you see in a ape, albeit a great ape. I'll give him that much! And I'm not being mean and just making stuff up. The way he constantly scratches and picks his scalp and other body parts, looking at what he's "picked" and then flicking it off. There must be a PILE of dandruff, buggers, toe jam, and fingernail bits and other DNA around the places he parks his ass,  for hours. The computer desk mainly! I'm sure that his favorite fantasy involves having Leora pick his scalp and body for him...a well known simian behavior pattern. So I guess anyone who speaks such truth about him is doing so out of jealousy? Maybe. She is sexy, and most guys would love to have a shot at her! But to be honest, being perplexed outweighs the jealousy. How DOES a guy like Paul even get a girl as hot as Leora, much less keep her over time!! And one more thing from "this was his first post guy", like that makes any difference. I am NOT putting him down for trying to have sex with Leora. In fact, I wish he was MORE successful in this regard. Those two actually having a robust sex life would be WAY more interesting than watching Paul on the computer. I can go to the zoo and the watch similar activity for way less than 29.95 a month!!!

How much is a monthly pass to the zoo?

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