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B4 - General Topic 2023 #90 (December)

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I understand that Sara will go out and perhaps won't come back tonight. Ready to bet that 10 minutes after Sara's exit, Lupo will show up to attempt the final assault. I was watching the replays of Karma's meetings with Chris and I noticed a different attitude in Sara's approaches to Lupo: it seems that Sara is not looking for Lupo but for his warmth and closeness, nothing more. Ready to be crucified if I'm wrong. It would be interesting to know what Sara and Karma said to each other this night at 01:20 when they met in Karma's room: the second part was futile but in the first part they talked about a boy and I don't know who

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2 minutes ago, poncherello said:

Capisco che Sara uscirà e forse non tornerà stasera. Pronti a scommettere che 10 minuti dopo l'uscita di Sara, Lupo si presenterà per tentare l'assalto finale. Stavo guardando i replay degli incontri di Karma con Chris e ho notato un atteggiamento diverso negli approcci di Sara verso Lupo: sembra che Sara non cerchi Lupo ma il suo calore e la sua vicinanza, niente di più. Pronto per essere crocifisso se sbaglio. Sarebbe interessante sapere cosa si sono detti Sara e Karma questa notte all'1:20 quando si sono incontrati nella stanza di Karma: la seconda parte è stata inutile ma nella prima parte hanno parlato di un ragazzo e non so chi

a different attitude in Karma's approaches with Lupo: Sorry

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8 minutes ago, poncherello said:

I understand that Sara will go out and perhaps won't come back tonight. Ready to bet that 10 minutes after Sara's exit, Lupo will show up to attempt the final assault. I was watching the replays of Karma's meetings with Chris and I noticed a different attitude in Sara's approaches to Lupo: it seems that Sara is not looking for Lupo but for his warmth and closeness, nothing more. Ready to be crucified if I'm wrong. It would be interesting to know what Sara and Karma said to each other this night at 01:20 when they met in Karma's room: the second part was futile but in the first part they talked about a boy and I don't know who

They talked about Karma's throat, she's in pain, she just wanted to sleep and hope it gets better. if she was sick or it was the spicy food. Sara about having managed to reinstall her Ipad but had some problems with the appstore, it was in Spanish, they showed affection, talked and joked .they really like each other, Sara said that she now lives up to their rings.


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4 minutes ago, wafercop said:

They talked about Karma's throat, she's in pain, she just wanted to sleep and hope it gets better. if she was sick or it was the spicy food. Sara about having managed to reinstall her Ipad but had some problems with the appstore, it was in Spanish, they showed affection, talked and joked .they really like each other, Sara said that she now lives up to their rings.


ty wafer

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21 minutes ago, wafercop said:

Hanno parlato della gola di Karma, soffre, voleva solo dormire e sperare che migliori. se era malata o era il cibo piccante. Sara racconta di essere riuscita a reinstallare il suo Ipad ma ha avuto qualche problema con l'appstore, era in spagnolo, hanno dimostrato affetto, parlato e scherzato. Si piacciono davvero tanto, Sara ha detto che ora è all'altezza dei loro anelli.


THank you

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23 minutes ago, wafercop said:

They talked about Karma's throat, she's in pain, she just wanted to sleep and hope it gets better. if she was sick or it was the spicy food. Sara about having managed to reinstall her Ipad but had some problems with the appstore, it was in Spanish, they showed affection, talked and joked .they really like each other, Sara said that she now lives up to their rings.


What do you mean that she now lives up to her rings, it could also be that the translation into German is stupid

Well, you laughed at my speculations ^^ ;), don't worry, it's not meant in a bad way but simply in a friendly way, I also have no problem laughing at myself or taking the piss out of myself in a positive way

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12 minutes ago, Rattlesnake316 said:

What do you mean that she now lives up to her rings, it could also be that the translation into German is stupid

Well, you laughed at my speculations ^^ ;), don't worry, it's not meant in a bad way but simply in a friendly way, I also have no problem laughing at myself or taking the piss out of myself in a positive way


These different translation apps usually get it wrong

The rings they changed

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