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B4 - General Topic 2024 #19 (January)

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3 minutes ago, FrankZabba said:

c'est une jolie fille mais je pense qu'elle est plus stupide que ce que certaines personnes lui attribuent

oh oui parce que se taper 3000km aller/retour pour se faire baiser il ne faut pas avoir tous ses oeufs dans le meme panier (veut dire pas normal)

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2 minutes ago, pajero said:

oh yes because going 3000km round trip to get fucked you shouldn't have all your eggs in the same basket (meaning not normal)

well, we really don't know what they went there for.  maybe they went there to resupply the medicine cabinet or maybe they went there just to make some money with a bdsm show. if i understood correctly, it was said that for today there would be a spa involved.  my thinking is they will be home tonight or first thing in the morning.

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2 minutes ago, FrankZabba said:

eh bien, nous ne savons vraiment pas pourquoi ils sont allés là-bas. peut-être qu'ils y sont allés pour réapprovisionner l'armoire à pharmacie ou peut-être qu'ils y sont allés juste pour gagner de l'argent avec un spectacle bdsm. si j'ai bien compris, il était dit que pour aujourd'hui, il y aurait un spa. je pense qu'ils seront à la maison ce soir ou tôt le matin.

ou pour réapprovisonner wolf avec ses injections du fait qu'il a plusieur filles a baiser ,merci pour ta réponse

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1 minute ago, pajero said:

or to resupply wolf with his injections because he has several girls to fuck, thank you for your answer

wolf needs to get off the injections which could be causing some of his depression and get a script for viagra

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8 hours ago, Lasse said:

How many times has she said NO ???

Hi Lasse, this is not directed at you but was a good segway.

Regarding sex with a woman who is high: In Canada all she has to do is have the guy charged and it will be treated as rape. Unfortunately that leaves the door open for false accusations.

Regarding Mass as a rapist. I won't call him that, however he has clearly fucked Sara with out her consent while she actively resisted, and then gloating with his friend while she was face down. That was also the session where he smacked her on the face out of anger.

That can't be unseen.  Also that behaviour by mass does not happen in isolation, as in that can't be the first time he has done that to a woman. Nope. And that was with cameras watching.

Sara is at fault for letting herself get into these situations, however when it goes to the extreme as mentioned in the paragraph above, don't blame the victim.


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16 minutes ago, Maxbell said:

Hi Lasse, this is not directed at you but was a good segway.

Regarding sex with a woman who is high: In Canada all she has to do is have the guy charged and it will be treated as rape. Unfortunately that leaves the door open for false accusations.

Regarding Mass as a rapist. I won't call him that, however he has clearly fucked Sara with out her consent while she actively resisted, and then gloating with his friend while she was face down. That was also the session where he smacked her on the face out of anger.

That can't be unseen.  Also that behaviour by mass does not happen in isolation, as in that can't be the first time he has done that to a woman. Nope. And that was with cameras watching.

Sara is at fault for letting herself get into these situations, however when it goes to the extreme as mentioned in the paragraph above, don't blame the victim.


well said maxbell

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40 minutes ago, FrankZabba said:

wolf needs to get off the injections which could be causing some of his depression and get a script for viagra

Do you believe that depression nonsense? Well, of course everyone has to know that for themselves

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