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  1. lol, don't need it and certainly don't want it...sorry
  2. why would i? i don't believe in the ignore button, i'm a big boy and know how to skip posts when needed.
  3. you must have the biggest, most popular parties in your area. congrats!
  4. no i can not, i get enough of you almost on a daily basis. the winner would be heard of and the loser wouldn't, no need for a ref!
  5. i have no hate for her, i just wouldn't want her to be a tenant again if i was a subscriber. the mentality of the viewers of this forum is the reason why rlc has been let off the hook with bringing in new tenants. you people are so desperate to fill an empty bed instead of waiting for rlc to recruit someone new, that you eagerly welcome back recycled tenants. an empty bed is always better than repeats!
  6. not sure what you're implying here, but if it's about this harley character again, give it a rest, i'm not him. i also don't know what recycled means where you come from but where i come from recycled = garbage/trash. lilith is a do nothing who is in tight with nelly and bogdan and this stay will be no different. on her only other stay she had sex one time as far as i can remember and that was after pulling an all nighter and getting shit faced. she's a real winner!!
  7. i think you two should get a room and may the best man win! as for lilith, they need new people not recycled garbage!
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