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B4 - General Topic 2024 #19 (January)

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I also just turned off rlc this drug thing I don't have to watch, you could see that sara will never change so if it's up to me she can leave the mansions with max and daytona right now (since daytona invited the drug junkie that all this crap is partly her fault)

I actually liked Daytona until yesterday but after what's going on in b4 I can't stand her anymore just partying and drugs on her mind and dragging sara down with her.

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2 minutes ago, Rattlesnake316 said:

Ich habe RLC auch gerade diese Drogensache ausgeschaltet, die ich mir nicht ansehen muss. Man sieht, dass Sara sich nie ändern wird. Wenn es also nach mir geht, kann sie die Villen sofort mit Max und Daytona verlassen (da Daytona den Drogenjunkie dazu eingeladen hat). Der ganze Mist ist zum Teil ihre Schuld)

Eigentlich mochte ich Daytona bis gestern, aber nach dem, was in B4 los ist, kann ich es nicht mehr ertragen, dass sie nur Party macht, Drogen im Kopf hat und Sara mit sich runterzieht.

Totally agree about !

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with this guy you can see that he took drugs, first he sat there in the lr like a heap of misery and when he came out of the garage he was all smiles and you could also see that sara went into the garage after daytona beaming with joy

bei dem typen kann man sehen das er drogen genommen hat, erst saß er im lr wie ein haufend elend da und als er aus der garage kam war er putz munter und man konnte auch sehen das sara strahlend daytona hinter her in die garage gegangen ist

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12 minutes ago, Rattlesnake316 said:

I also just turned off rlc this drug thing I don't have to watch, you could see that sara will never change so if it's up to me she can leave the mansions with max and daytona right now (since daytona invited the drug junkie that all this crap is partly her fault)

I actually liked Daytona until yesterday but after what's going on in b4 I can't stand her anymore just partying and drugs on her mind and dragging sara down with her.

no wait .. now you are going to blame everyone that Sara has become a drug addicted street girl, that's what I called her the first day she came  in the villa and there is only one person responsible for the fact that Sara is a street slut and that is Sara herself and no one else

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13 minutes ago, MaxK said:

If new tenants move into B4 at any time, the apartment must first be properly disinfected!

DDT is forbidden but they could apply for an exeption. And ozon would also be a good idea !

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